Part 13

91 5 1

Monday - Week 6
7:23 AM
[ Within Aonung's SUV ]

On the way to school, Aonung has both hands on the steering wheel tensely, making Rotxo and Tsireya share a look.

Tsireya- It's not gonna be any different this week, bro.

Aonung- You don't know that.

His step brother rolls his eyes with a scoff, and leans against the window. He's tired of listening to Aonung go on about how Neteyam has been ignoring him for the past week.

Tsireya- We all knew he was gonna bail after you called him to your aid.

Rotxo- It's what everyone does. You shouldn't be surprised.

Aonung- But this was different, he said he-

Tsireya- Wants to avenge your back or something, yeah, we know.

Rotxo- You've said it a thousand times.

Aonung- Because he really meant it.

Tsireya crosses her arms and slouches in her seat with her head tilted back.

Tsireya- Here we go again.

Aonung- You don't understand, you didn't hear the way he-

Rotxo- Okay, it's sad and all that your new little friend turned out to be a flake, but it's nothing new. Get over it and move on.

Tsireya- Rotxo.

She speaks sternly, and lifts her head to look at him.

Aonung- Just because you can't have my back out there doesn't mean he can't either.

Rotxo leans off the window to glare at Aonung.

Tsireya- Ao-

Rotxo- He doesn't even want to, I do!

Aonung- Well you can't, end of story.

Rotxo- Why not?

Aonung- You're the one they want dead, genius.

Rotxo- Okay? You going out there brawling with their guys isn't gonna stop them from wanting me dead, it just makes you feel better about your fuckin' daddy issues.

Tsireya- Rotxo!

The two passengers jerk forward as Aonung abruptly slams on the brakes and stops the vehicle in the middle of the road, causing the drivers behind him to honk and speed around.

With a shock of adrenaline making their hearts race, Tsireya and Rotxo look to Aonung with wide eyes. His hands are squeezing the steering wheel as he glares forward.

Tsireya- Aonung, calm do-

Aonung- Take it back.

Rotxo- Why should I?

Tsireya smacks Rotxo in the arm from the seat behind him.

Rotxo- What? It's the truth.

Tsireya- You don't wanna-No no no no no!

Aonung pulls slightly into the lane next to them, preparing to turn all the way around.

Aonung- I swear I'll drive the wrong way on this street!

Tsireya- No! Don't, please!

Aonung- I'll fuckin' do it!

Spiraling [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now