Part 6

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Wednesday - Week 2
5:30 PM
[ Motel 75 ]

After shaking off pursuers, then taking an alternative route, Aonung pulls into the parking lot of a small motel. Quickly, he exits the vehicle, locks it, and runs up to the entrance. The place is owned and managed by an older acquaintance of his, and business at this time of year is slow. By the looks of it, there are only two rooms currently being occupied.

The moment he rushes in, a brunette woman at the desk picks up the telephone, while making a face at him. She's the man's wife, and isn't fond of him in the least, always expressing how relieved she is that they never decided to have children; They could've ended up like him.

Brenda- Hun, it's that kid again . . . Alright.

Reluctantly, she hangs the phone up, then looks at him with annoyance.

Brenda- Go on in.

She gestures to the door nearby that leads to the manager's office. Immediately, he runs over to it, opening the door, and the man is already standing in front of his desk with his arms crossed. Already, he radiates disappointment.

Kody- Okay, where are you hurt this time?

Aonung- Not me.

He stands off his desk with a bit of surprise on his face.

Kody- Did you bring another girlfriend into this?

Aonung- No, just take a look at him for me, please. I'll explain while you patch him up.

Kody sighs gruffly, but Aonung knows that means he'll do as he asked.

Wasting no more time, he runs back out to his vehicle, retrieving the potentially injured boy, then carries him as he follows Kody to a back room. It was meant to be a second office, but instead it's been a place for a few filing cabinets. It's essentially a storage room, but occasionally doubles as a doctor's office for who's known to the managing couple as the "Cloud boy".

5:40 PM
[ Motel 75's Storage Room ]

Neteyam's consciousness returns to him, and his thoughts recollect within his mind before he decides to open his eyes. The first thing he sees is the ceiling, then turns and meets the eyes of a man he doesn't know.

Kody- He's awake.

When the man looks across from his spot on the floor next to him, Neteyam turns to see who he's talking to, and feels somewhat relieved to see Aonung. Though he annoyed him earlier, he's still glad to see someone familiar so he'll at least be able to figure out what's going on.

Neteyam- Where's my car?

Kody- I think the more important question is; How are you feeling?

Neteyam- I'm alive aren't I? Now where's my car?

Neteyam sits himself up with ease, feeling only a little pain on his chest. It's then that he notices he's shirtless, and even though he sees the evident bruise on his chest bathed in ointment, it isn't concerning to him.

Neteyam- Where's my shirt?

Kody chuckles and stands from his side to grab something off the small table. He turns and hands his shirt to him, and he puts it on while Kody leans against the table.

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