Chapter 15

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A week just had passed. And its already January 5, classes are going to start tomorrow. Hermione and I celebrated New year with some of the students. Summer is getting near. Months from now our relationship will end.

Before, I dont want to continue my 7th year because of the humiliation I will get from Hermione and her friends that the first thing comes into my mind when I stepped on the train but now the reason I wanted to leave was also the reason I wanted to stay here forever. Where we are safe, like one's gonna end our story. I am here at the library waiting for her. I heard footsteps. I reckon, its her.

"Hermione."I say. And i turned to look. No, its not her. Its Astoria for Merlin's bloody sake.

She just smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

"Nothing, I just want to see my future husband." She laughed. She is getting on my nerve. Foolish girl.

"Ha! Future husband?! You wish!" I said without meeting her eyes.

Her hands travelled over my shoulders. I got up and tried to aviod her. But i was no use. She was still following me. She is so bloody stubborn!

"What do you want? Stop messing around!" I said with my voice a little bit higher.

She just laughed at me. I turned again and walked away from her. I went down to from the library to the seventh floor. I was going to the common room where she could not follow me. I took a glimpse at the back to see if she was still there.

Unfortunately, she was. I was so pissed off of her followibg me around! I was outside of our common room. And she grabbed my hand.

"I want you to kiss me." She said.

"Are you out of your bloody mind?" i yelled. But she just chuckled infront of like she did'nt hear me.

"Kiss me, I'll leave you alone." She said. She took a step and came close to me.

"I have a girlfriend." I groaned. And then she cupped my face.

"I dont care. It just a kiss. And as I said, I'll leave you alone. " She grinned.

"Are you insane?" I yelled again.

"Merlin's beard! Draco you are the insane one here. In the first place why did you even fell inlove with her? Or maybe that isn't love? Poor Granger. Are really trying to break her heart?" She yelled back and smirked. I was too flabbergasted to speak. I wanted to stupify her. This leaves no choice.

"Fine. I'll kiss you." I said with a disgust in my tone. I just want her off.

I'm sorry Hermione...


"Hey have you seen Draco?" I asked a Slytherin boy. He said he will wait for me at library but he wasn't there.

"No, I have'nt seen him." He replied.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." I said and smiled.

Where is he? I walked to the quidditch pitch and go look for him there. So many students are up into the sky today. But there was no sign of a blonde-haired boy. I walk again to go look for him and I bumped into Travis.

"Good day Hermione!" He greeted.

"Same to you! Hey, have seen Draco?" I asked.

"Oh,yes. He is in the library the time I saw him. " He answered.

"But I just went to the library awhile ago. Anyway, thanks." I said and put a fake smile. I decided to go to our common room.

"I'll go back to my common room. " i said.

"Can I come with you?" He asked.

"Sure, I could use some company." I answered. On our way to the seventh floor we talked about our future after hogwarts.

"I'll be a healer, I think." He said.

"Really? That's great." I replied. Few steps away until we reach the common room.

We heard voices of to People. "Shh" i covered Travis' mouth. I knew that voice. No way. It cant be. We listened to the conversation.

"Dont tell anyone about this!" He said.

"Ok, just kiss me. And promise is a promise Draco." I Took a look over the pillars where we are hidding.

And my world was falling apart right now. My feelings were just all mixed, felt like my heart just explode from the pain I see.

He cupped her face and lean over to her and kiss her. I thought he changed.

I looked like an idiot for standing here. I feel so numb. I can't hear everyword Travis says.

"Tr-travis.... Please pinch me. Tell me that this is just a dream. Please." I stutter. My voice is shaking and tears are threatening to fall from my eyes.

"You are not dreaming Hermione." He whispered into my ear.

I wanted to hex him! For what he done to me! He bloody ripped my heart out! I clapped my hands and walk over to them.

"You are such a great actor Malfoy." I said. Turned to look at me and he look surprised. And Astoria was smiling like she was very happy that she ruined a relationship.

"No... Hermi--" he tried to explain but I cut him off.

"No Malfoy! The two of you ruined everything! I trusted you! And I was stupid enough to think that you'd change!"I yelled and I quickly grabbed my wand and pointed at them.

"Please let me explain." He pleaded.

"Fine, go defend yourself. Tell me that is just a silly prank. Go on tell me!" I yelled bursting with tears.

"We..I...It means nothing. I kissed her because she promised to leave us alone." He explained, his hand runs of his hair with frustration.

"I only said to leave you not her." Astoria added and laughed. I wanted to vanish from this moment. I dont wanna see him again.

"Lets go Travis." I grab Travis' hand and turned to walk away.

"Granger, I think you should know the truth." Astoria said. I suddenly stopped walking.

"What truth, huh?" I asked. My tears are just flowing down my cheeks.

"Shut it Astoria!" Draco yelled. And I turned again to face them.

"What if I wont shup up?" She chuckled. That girl.

"What's that bloody truth?" I asked with my voice a little higher.

"The bloody truth is that we are arranged. Draco and I are going to get married soon." She said. Those words she spoke was like a sword that slashed through my soul. I could speak up.

"Is t-this t-true?" I asked. Please tell me she is lying. I wanted to scream.

"Hermione I am sorry. It is true."he muttered. And then that's it. My entire world fall down. I was too stressed about this scenario. My vision got blurry because of my tears.

I ran into our common room and went inside of my room. I heard that Travis yelled. Shouting for my name and telling me to open up. I wanted to be alone right now.

"Hermione! Open up please!" Malfoy shouted. And I now I've got nothing, nothing but a broken heart.

"What a silly girl you are Hermione" i thought to myself...

A/N: Please do comment and vote. I did my best to make this chapter enjoyable to read. x :)

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