Chapter 1

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Hi guys so this is my first story I hope you will fancy or love it. And I'm sorry for all the wrong typos and some grammatical errors and spelling. I will make my story more fun and exciting to read each day! ☺


Hermoine's POV

"Hermoine Jean Granger! Wake up wake up!" I heard Ginny's voice. 

"I'm up Ginevra! What's the buzz all about?" I asked. I'm in the Weasley's house with Harry. And its good to say that everyone had already moved on from what happened 3 months ago. The battle. War. Dead bodies everywhere.

"Aren't you excited? We are going back to Hogwarts! We are going to finish our last year." She stated.

"Right. So good luck for us. Lets go down stairs. I bet your family are waiting for us! Especially your brother and Harry!" I said while grabbing her hand rushing down the stairs.

"Oi! 'Moine, come, sit here!" Ron offered me a sit beside him. Me and Ron? Were fine as best mates! We've already settled our feelings. He is really inlove with Lavender. But I'm happy to say that we tried, right? As for me? My love life? I don't have any. I just want to finish this school year without any distractions. Its just me, my books and my best mates! As I finish my breakfast I went up stairs to get things ready.

"I'll just go down." Ginny said.

"Sure." I was packing my things and I saw my old box where I used to put on some things that used to make me special and happy.As I opened there was a letter and it says:

Dear Hermoine, You look great today! How I wish last night that we will be sorted in the same house but I guess fate was just awful. By the way see you in our classes! -Apples.

Oh, I remembered this letter was given to me when I was in first ear, What a ridiculous code name! But until now I don't really now who gave me that letter. And one thing about "apples" every mondays of the school year his was giving me letters and until 6th year but it ended when Ron and I developed our feelings for each other. But I had to admit those letters made me smile when I re-read them all over again. Harry and Ron knew about those but we all agreed not to find that guy.

"The 2 of you, all set?" Mrs Weasley asked us.

"Yes! Ready to go!" I said while smiling. And then i think she headed to Ronald's room to check on them too. After everyone has finish packing and checking all there trunks. We all Apparated to the platform 9 3/4 where Hogwarts express was located.

"Oh, I've miss this train!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Bloody hell, it was just like yesterday that we first got to ride in here." Ronald added. Yeah, he has a point. I first remembered that silly spell he used over his pet Scabbers.

"C'mon guys! Lets go to our compartment!" Harry said. We all agreed to Harry and went to our compartment. I really did miss this. Several minutes passed Ron, Harry and Ginny went to sleep for a while. As for me I'm still ready a book. I still cant believe this after all the things that we've been through were still here in this train expecting to arrive at Hogwarts safely. And our new headmistress McGonagall and some new teachers.

I'll be seeing new faces again like the first years. I walked through the hallway of the train to see the others. They all look so happy. I'm still figuring out what spell to use to uncast the memory charm on my parents. I've miss them so much. It makes me cry to remember them. I saved the wizarding world but how stupid I am because I cant even figure out how to uncast a simple spell! Tears are just flowing down my cheeks right now. I hate it when I cry.

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