Chapter 4

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Hi everyone! I hope you will like this update. And sorry for all the grammitical errors and wrong typos or spelling. Comment if you like it or not. And dont forget to vote after reading this update. Thanks. Love you all.





I woke up in a breezy mist of the air. Its already october 1. And it is saturday. I packed up some clothes and went to the lavatory. While I was taking a shower I heard a the door opened. Maybe Malfoy's awake. I was playing with the bubbles happily when I heard a knock.

"Hermoine? Are you still in there?" Draco called. So I decided to rinse up my self. When I was finish dressing up i made my way to the door and opened it. And Malfoy was standing, he is already dressed. Maybe he is waiting for me or he need something else.

"What do you want? I asked him coldly. Im still annoyed of happened yesterday.

"Nothing. By the way Goodmorning." He smiled at me. I wanted to ingore him but I cant. And whats worst I there is this feeling again. I felt electricity runs through my body when he smiles at me.

"Good morning." I greet him also. I left them in there. Even a part of me did'nt want to.So I walked alone to the greathall to me Ginny and the others are there eating breakfast. I reached the hall and walks towards them.

"Hi mione!" Ron greeted. While eating some pancakes.

"Goodmorning!" I greeted them. And we started eating to have a little energy before our classes starts.


I was walking towards my commonroom when some called my name.

"Hermione!" And it was Travis Lockwood.

"Oh, Hi Trav!" I greeted him. And then he joined me in walking. Draco entered my mind again. Is he that insentive? I asked my self. Why could'nt he see that I'm angry with him?! I though he changed!

"Hermione! Hello?" Says Travis while he waves his hand a me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. " I said.

"Password?" asks the portrait.

"Te' amo" I said the password and then we entered the commonroom.

"Just wait over there. "I said while pointing the chair. So went to my room and got some money. Me and my friends are going to Hogsmeade today. So I got only 3 galleons and 2 knuts out of my wallet. I want to buy a new book. After i got what I need, I went out of my room. And guess what saw in our common room. Astoria Greengrass. Great. She's here.

"Granger, your going out too?" Someone asked me and when I turned it was Draco.

"Yes." I murmured. And I looked straight at his greys eyes. Why cant he just bloody hell notice it.

"You could come with us." He said. Me? Coming with the two of you? No thanks. I'd rather read in here for the whole day.

"No thanks, Travis and I are going together. And we'll meet with Harry and the others.Have fun. Good bye Draco and Greengrass" I said coldly and grabbed Travis out of the common room.

"You know what? That Malfoy guy is really a git!" Commented Travis. The whole walk was filled with silence for me. I just want to forget everything.

"I know. " i muttered.The walk was filled with cheerful talks and laugh.

"Hermoine, Travis!" Called Luna. Wow, everyones here. We sitted beside Ron.

"We've already ordered and butterbeer for you two!" Stated Neville. While drinking his butterbeer.

"Want some?" Ron said while handing us some Pumpkin pastels. I miss this kind of bond.

"Hey Ginny can you come with me to the book shop? I just want to buy a new book. "I asked Ginny. With a smile to make her come.

"Sure, and Travis could come too." She said while having a sip a her butterbeer. A minute later after we finished eating. We all decided to go shop for some items. Ginny, Travis and I went to the book shop. We went looking for a muggle fiction. I just miss reading those. We went to three book shop. But none of those three have a muggle fiction. So we asked people if they knew a shop that sell's muggle books.

"Just go left and you'll see a shop that is called Ellian's bookshop" said the witch that we asked.

"Thank you. " after we thanked her. We hurried and went to the said shop. I went enetered the said book shop and then I scan through shelves and look for a good book to read.

"Magically history of you and me" i read out the title of the book.

"Hey guys look! I found what I want" I grinned. But unluckily I cant afford it. The price is 5 galleons.

"Really?" Ginny asks me.

"Then go buy it!" smiles Travis.

"But I cant aford it. Look at the price.Bloody hell. " I sighed.And Ginny replies with a chuckle. So we went out and decided to go and meet the others. I really want that book so bad.


I went up to my common room to get rest. I walked throught the portrait hole when I saw Malfoy was sitting in the chair and he is sitting patiently like he is waiting for someone.Was he waiting for me? Why would he? I am so tired I want to go to bed right now.And I was still trying to ignore him. I tried walked fast with out him noticing it. but then he grabbed my hand. Fantastic!

"What's wrong Granger?"he muttered. At first I just look at him like I heard nothing. But still he asks me the same question.

"What's wrong Granger?" he repeats.

"Nothings wrong Malfoy!" I lied. Oh, such a great liar Hermione!

"You know I hate liars. " he said. And then he shot his eyes on me.

"But I am not lying!" I yell. Then I look down to my feet to avoid his stares at me.

"And then why are you yelling?" He said calmly.

"I....Um." I cant say what I really want to say.

"What?" he asks me.

"Let me go. Please."i said calmly. I didnt want to have an argue with him.

"Okay, whatever it is Im sorry" and then he hugged me. I was so flabbergasted. Things happened so fast. He pulled the hug out.

"I... Its alright." I said. And then he smiled at me. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His smile makes me melt. No I couldnt be falling for him. I am just denying the possibility that I am actually falling for him? I really dont know. I am really confuse right know.

"Hermione?" He say. While gesturing his hand to get my attention.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"You should go to bed its late. I'll be the one who will do our headgirl and boy duties for now." He smile at me.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"I am very sure.And by the way, dont get angry with me again like that. I dont you avoiding me. " he chuckles.

"Well then goodnight and thanks. By the way uh, ta...take care Draco" i muttered then I manage to smile. He nods and smile back then he went off.

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