Chapter 3

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It is been 2 weeks since the school started. And as for me and Draco where still working our debate assignment for nextweek. Luckily we picked number 5. And now, here I am at the library waiting for Draco. I was scanning some books.

"Hey beautiful." I looked up to see whose talking. And then i saw Travis Lockwood, a ravenclaw.  

"What can I do for Lockwood?" I asked him with a smile. I've known Lockwood since he is Ginny's batchmate.

"Can you help with this? By the way, you can call me Travis." He replied while handing me a piece of parchment.

"Is this a homework?" I said while my eyes are still glued on the parchment.

"Yeah, Acient Runes." He muttered.

"It is easy." I assure him.

"Yeah sure. Easy!" he said in a sarcastic way.

"For someone like you. The brightest witch our generation. And plus you are beautiful." He added. It made smile.

"Thanks, by the way. Wait here Im just going to grab some books." I said.

"Okay." He said while answering his homework.

"And I reckon you should read this book. It could help you with that." I said while giving him the book.

I walked up and find some books for our debate. But I cant stop thinking about Draco. Where is that bloody git? Its been nearly 5 hours of waiting. I'd feel I little bit anger. I'll just focus finding some books. Travis was so nice to me. And he is good looking too.

I really miss my parents and honestly I aslo miss the muggle world. I miss watching televisions, hanging out with my family.I just miss everything. And the death of Lupin, Tonks and Fred and everyone. Just adds up the sadness. I just cant help it. Millions and billions of thoughts are running on my mind rigth now. Okay, back to reality Hermoine! I walked back to the table where I left Travis.

"Are you done?" I asked. While staring at my own parchment.

"Almost, You?" He said.

"Done." I replied.

"I'll just finish this and we could go to the Greathall together for dinner." He smiled at me. After what he said I'd keep my eyes at the book. And started reading. Minutes and minutes later had passed. Where is Draco? He said he is gonna catch up with me at the library today. 


"Hey Draco, what's up?" Astoria asked.I was on my to the library when Astoria started talking to me me.

"Fine. You?" I said. She was Daphne's sister.

"The same. You now what there is a hogsmeade trip on friday." She said.

"And what about it?" I replied.

"Can we go together?"Astoria asked me while we are walking towards the benches at the castle grounds.

"That would be great Astoria." I agreed. I just did that because I did not want to make her feel bad.

"We could go have some butterbeer or buy alot sweets." She giggled. I could see the exciment in her eyes.

"Um hey, can I ask you something?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Lately I'd just noticed that your are close with that mudblood Granger. What the thing with you and her?" She asked with tone of disgust. My blood boiled when I heard that word mudblood. 

"We are just friends." I got up from my seat and started walking away leaving her. But she followed me. And said: "where are yo-" before she could finish

Cutted her words out. " One more thing Astoria. Dont call her mudblood ever agian!" I said a bit of anger.


"Shall we?" Travis asked me. And the I just nodded and we walked to together to the greathall. When we reached the hall we parted ways. I went to the Gryffindor's andTravis on the Ravenclaw's.

"So you've met Lockwood?" Ginny giggled.

"Yeah. He's nice." I said. I smell something fishy.

"Really? That's all?" She asked me with exciment.

"Okay, he is good looking. " I muttered. While getting a food.

"Do you like him?" Ginny grinned.

"Ginny! I know what you are up to!" Said with a little annoyance. She is trying to find someone for me. She wants me to have a silly lovelife again.

"Im sorry Moine, its just that I dont want you to be alone." She apologizeShe thinks Im alone?

"Im not alone Ginny! I just need time."I said. Well, that was a fact because you can't expect me to fall inlove with someone who I'd just met a while ago. I admit he is very nice and handsome too.

"When will that time come?" Ginny said with a sarcastic tone.

"I dont know." I muttered.

"She's right Ginny. She just need the right time and the right man for her to love. " Harry stated.And looked at me with a smile and I replied with a smile too.

"Thats correct." Ron added. We all started eating our desserts. I looked over to see the slytherin's table. And there he is having a good laugh with the girl who shouted at me infront of everyone last week. Great. I went out of the greathall so that i could go to the library while I have several minutes left before the curfew. I have to work on this History of Magic essay. I've got to fill up this whole sheet of parchment. I just cant get off with that Malfoy git out of my mind.Why should I be angry at him? Just because he didnt showed up? Or maybe because he is talking to Greengrass? I just focus my attention to my essay. Minutes passed. I decided to go to bed.

"goodnight madam pince!" I beckoned at the librarian. But before I goto our common room I quickly did some check at the castle to make sure no student is breaking a rule again. On way back, I heard two voices talking. I walk towards the place where the noise is coming from, I saw a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. 

"Sorry, to interupt your little snogging thing. But I think it is time to go to bed.  I wont give you dentention or report the two of you." I said. 

"Thank you." they both said in unison.

"I hope this will serve as a warning for the two of you. Goodnight. " I  smile at them. And then started walking to my common room.

 "Password?" Said the portrait.

"Te'amo" i muttered. I am so tired. I cant wait to have a good sleep. I yawn while covering my mouth. And i saw Malfoy working on his essay while warming his self up. I wallked silently as i could because i dont want to talk to him.

"Goodnight Hermione" he turned around to see. I just looked at him and walked up to my room. But still he looked at me but this time a cofused looked. As I enetered my room I quickly change and sat on my bed. I cant stop questioning myself. Why am I angry at Draco?Am I jelous? Why would I be jelous? Or maybe I am just because he made me wait. Urgh. I should go to sleep.


Hi, everyone! This update is short but I hope you will like it. And  more readers to come! I wish. hahaha. Okay that's all. Love ya all. :*



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