Chapter 19

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A/N: Excuse my typos. Enjoy!


No one knows where he went, those words still lingered on my mind. After our talk I apparated back home and take some rest. I needed sleep because I have big event tomorrow.

Why did he left? Where did he went? I still hope deep inside that he was the one who bumped into me at the airport yesterday. We're on the same plane, merlin! What on earth is he doing in America?

So many questions in my head that just messes up and needed to have or get answers. I really need answers. Did he find me? Or did he just started a new life without me? Did he just moved on?

My emotions are mixed right now, my heart and my mind are on a riot. I don't even know what to think about him. For all I know I'm still trying my best to believe in his words and wait for him. I want to think all those positive thought.

I decided to get ready and fix myself. I hopped into the shower and turned it on, the hot water that flooded through me was just perfect for this cold London weather. Sooner, I wrapped wet body into a towel. Quickly I entered my room as I entered, the memories of my childhood and the things that I left felt like came to life.

I looked at my headgirl badge with admiration. Headgirl the reason why me and him got close and we became a thing. I'm still hoping that we end up together. I still do.

"This is it, Hermione!" Ginny hugged me as we both entered the flourist and blotts.

Many people are already here, and I can see that they have my book on their hands. It's so heart whelming to see it.

"Congrats Mione!" Harry said he appeared next to Ginny.

Minutes passed on the number of people who came became larger. I ever expect this to be honest. I just thought maybe 50 wizards and witches would come but then there are almost hundreds of them.

As I looked around still hoping that he'd come, I can feel somebody covered my eyes.

I wish it is him, I just wish.

"Guess who?" I heard the voice speak, it's Ron. Disappointed that's how I feel.

"Ron," I forced a smile and he uncovered my eyes. He pulled me into a hugged me so tight.

"Blimey! I also knew that you'll end up publishing a book." He joked that made me laugh.

It's not that I don't want to see Ron, I want to see him but I'm just waiting for someone to appear. He let go of me and I place a smile on my face, knowing that I have the full support of my best friends.

My eyes keep on roaming around and trying to sight him. Sooner we started the event.

"I want to thank you all for supporting me in launching this book. And just fall in line politely and I sign each one of them." I said, my voice is making it obivious that I'm utterly nervous.

I sat at the assigned chair and there was table infront of it, Ginny, was beside me because Harry and Ron decided to go somewhere. The signing begun, mostly that are here are teens ages 13-20 i think, but my books are also qualified for adults to read.

This is going to be long event.


Several hours passed and I was on the 10 people. I sighed as notice that there is no chance of seeing him. I've been keeping my eye on the door hoping that he'd step in. I just really hope. I needed to see him.

"Hermione," Ginny called.


"Are you okay?" She asked me looking worried.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just tired. But I'm fine, really. " I replied forcing a smile into my face.

She gave me an smile and nods.

She knows that I'm still waiting for him. She also knows that I'm not fine. Few minutes later the signing was already finished. He never came, I can't believe it. I'm slowly giving up on his words. Ginny waited outside for me as I fixed myself, merlin knows how haggard I am. I put my hair into a pony tail and I heard someone entered the store. I didn't look because I don't want to get my hopes up besides it must be Ginny. I put my coat on and I heard the footsteps was walking towards me. I felt so weird and I quickly set my wand ready on the side pocket.

"Is the book signing finish already?" A voice asked, the same voice that I heard at the airport.

Turned to face him, it's really him. I stand there frozen. Happiness flood through me, he is just there standing infront of me and a nervous smile appeared on his face. His looks are still the same, that blond hair, amazing smile and those grey orbs that locked into my hazel ones right now.

"Done checking me out?" he smirked,he never did change.

"" i stutter, pull yourself Hermione. Felt like someone casted a spell on me, I can't speak clearly.

"Me? Yes I'm alive and single." He let out a laugh.

I didn't respond, I just looked at him head to toe. I'm not dreaming? Am I? This all real, this is not just happening inside my head. It is real, he is real.

"Won't you speak? C'mon Hermione Granger." He slightly tease.

The way he speaks my name send chills to my whole system. I haven't heard him say name my for 2 years. Butterflies came back to life again. But my emotions are still mix, I felt confused and happy at the same time. I wanted to speak to him, ask him all my unanswered questions.

I let out a heavy sigh and gather all my courage. "Draco,"

That name never came out of my mouth for 2 years, there was a smile that placed on his face. A warm smile, a smile that really says that he is happy. And just like that he pulled me into a very tight hug, for once again I felt safe and loved.

"I knew it was you at the airport." I said as I hugged him back.

"I know, Hermione, I know." He breathed into my neck.

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