Alternate Ending

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(This chapter takes place around chapter 17, almost like a branching system where Sun-hee chooses not to go to San's house)

"Take another shot, Sun-hee!" Seonghwa yelled before I eventually obeyed his command. It was Friday night and it was our weekly movie night session including lots of alcohol and takeout. Moving in with him has been the best decision I've ever made.

There was a reason as to why I was drinking even heavier tonight though. After Jin-ha stopped by to deliver the news of her and San's wedding, I've been avoiding addressing the situation at all costs.

"No fair, your tolerance is way higher than mine." I pouted.

"You know, every week you insist that you can drink more than me and every week you're proven wrong."

"Whatever, it's your turn now. You take two." I smiled.

"So now you're changing up the rules?"

"The only rule is no throwing up!"

I started laughing uncontrollably as I could see his face start to turn red.

"It's finally getting to you, huh?" I teased.

"Shut up and watch your stupid movie," he spat. Seonghwa never liked the movies I chose, but he always let me pick whatever I wanted and sat through the entire thing with me.

"Nah, let's take things to the bedroom instead," I suggested before climbing onto his lap. Being Seonghwa's roommate had all the perks of having a boyfriend except he wasn't actually my boyfriend since we didn't like each other. It was exactly the type of situation I was looking for, especially after the whole San rejection.

"Let's just stay out here tonight. The movie you chose is actually pretty interesting."

"No it's not. I purposefully chose a bad movie since I knew we were going to have sex anyway."

"Wait a minute, is that why all your selections are always so bad?"

"Duh," I teased as I pinched his cheeks.

"Well, pick a good movie for tonight then."

"You don't want to have sex with me?" I whined.

"Maybe tomorrow when you're not as drunk."

"Oh come on, I'm not drunk!" I argued.

"Whatever you say," he said as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I never thought I'd love to see the day where Park Seonghwa rejects sex. Should we alert the local news channel?"

"Stop annoying me."

I giggled some more as I looked deeply into his eyes.

"You're being such a gentleman today. Did you switch bodies with San?" I joked. But, I guess he didn't find it funny.

"You're still thinking about him, huh?"

"Nah, fuck him and Jin-ha! I hope their wedding sucks!" I screamed before laughing some more.

"Hey, keep your voice down, it's late."

"Stop being boring, Seonghwa. You're never boring so why are you being boring today?"

"I'm just not in the mood today."

"Is it because you're sad I didn't get an invite to the wedding so now you have to go alone?"

"You're acting like you're not going to go just to ruin it."

"Hey, I'm not that petty! Besides, why should I get my hands dirty when I have the perfect mole right here?" I laughed.

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