Part IX

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After that night with Seonghwa, I couldn't help but feel conflicted because a part of me was attracted to how toxic he was. It resonated with me. But, I also hated how he thought he knew everything about me. That's one thing that always manages to tick me off. There was no reason as to why I did things the way I did. And if everyone just understood that, I think life would be much easier for us all. Moving on, the two of us have been spending more time together these days, and on the surface we'd might even pull off looking like your average couple who did cute things together. But, we weren't technically an item, people just assumed we were. So, that's where a sad San comes in who avoids me in the hallways now. But, maybe it's better this way. Seonghwa and I can be manipulative in peace.

It was the weekend now and I invited Seonghwa over to my place. The two of us were naked since we just finished and were currently watching some random movie in my room.

"Do you think we'd be the main characters if we were in a movie?" Seonghwa randomly asked.

"No. The main characters are supposed to be likable," I joked.

"Speak for yourself. Everyone at school likes me."

"Your ex-girlfriend doesn't like you."

"Are you sure about that?"

I glanced at him and he smirked.

"If I called her right now, I can guarantee that she'd take me back in a heartbeat," he said while waving the phone in my face.

"Don't be so cruel," I replied, softly smacking him on the chest.

"I'm sure San would do the same for you."

"Well, obviously he would."

The two of us laughed at how fucked up we were.

"I think we'd be the bad guys in the movie," I commented. He nodded in agreement but sighed.

"It'd be better to be the lead role though. People always talk about them the most," he mentioned.

"Bad guys can be the star too," I defended.

"But, it's not fun anymore, y'know? No one even talks about us because they already know how messed up we are."

I had forgotten about Seonghwa's desperate need for attention. But, even I was growing bored of being toxic since I had no one to control anymore.

"Call Jin Ha," I suggested.


"We could have a threesome."

"I think her standards are a little higher than that," he mocked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we need some excitement, don't we?"

"How's San doing?" he asked. I already knew he would have brought him up eventually.

"How should I know?"

"He hasn't texted you?"

"Ever since rumors spread of us dating he's been ignoring me."

"Poor guy." Seonghwa laughed.

"Why do you always talk about him?" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

"I want to see you get hurt, Sun Hee." When I looked over, I saw how cold and serious he became.

"So, you care about me?" Between the two of us, the words "hurt" and "care for" became synonymous.

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