Part II

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I didn't expect much to happen after San and I's first encounter. I assumed it would create a small buzz that would get everyone riled up, but who would've thought it would end up like this?

I was leaning against the window of the hallway when suddenly San came up to me, shoving flowers in my face with his head bowed.

"I picked these for you," he said, not making eye contact. Sure, I wanted more attention but this was just so sad to watch. I looked around at everyone and they were all just staring at us, waiting to see my reaction.

"Why?" I asked plainly, genuinely confused on the gesture. He didn't respond and instead stood in the same position.

"Thanks, I guess." I reluctantly grabbed the bouquet out of his hands and he took a step back to smile at me. As I was about to walk away, he poked my shoulder.

"I never got your name yesterday," he mentioned while scratching the back of his neck

"Really? That's weird. But, let's keep it that way." I gave him a smile but he didn't seem satisfied.

"Jee Sun Hee," I said after sighing. His face suddenly looked concerned.


"So you've heard about me?"

"I kinda overheard some things from other people. But I'm sure they're not true!"

"No, they're all true." I giggled at how nice he was trying to be.

"Well, I don't really care about what they have to say." He gave me a sincere smile and all I could think about was how foolish he was being. Why was he even trying so hard?

"You should probably trust them. I mean, if everyone's saying it then it must be true, right?"

"You're pretty negative, huh?" He asked while laughing. I didn't want to admit it, but his laugh was really cute.

"So, which rumor did you hear?" I moved past the uncomfortable thought I was having.

"I already forgot because it was so stupid."

"That's a good way of trying to spare my feelings. Thanks again for the sunflowers though." I tried to walk away until he tapped my shoulder once again.

"I sort of brought those flowers so I could maybe ask you-" he stammered over his words and looked everywhere besides me.

"You wanted to ask me to have sex with you?"

He shook his head side to side violently but I decided to tease him even more.

"So you think I'm too ugly to have sex with?"

"No! That's not what I meant at all!"

"Ah, so you do want to have sex! I must say I'm surprised to see you acting so naughty. I guess the shy ones are always the dirtiest." I winked at him and he looked down as his face became red. It's worth mentioning that everyone had reverted their attention back to us yet again.

"Well, if you insist. It's not like me to say no to a fun time. Meet me at the front of the school after classes, okay?" I brought my finger to his chin and pulled his face closer to mine.

"I can't wait." He didn't say anything back and instead nodded his head up and down.

Just by a gut feeling I could already tell what kind of person San was. He's just a boy who wants to experience something new. He'll think I'm the type of girl who will be exciting to have because of how unavailable I may seem. He wants someone to chase because all the girls already want him. I just know he's not as innocent as he looks. He's like everyone else, someone who gets bored once something new comes along.

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