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The rest of the trip was spent with lots of forced laughter and smiles. Before I knew it, school was starting again and I was expecting San to be waiting for me when classes were over. But, when I stepped outside, I couldn't find his face amongst the crowd. I wish I checked my phone before I waited for him.

"I'm so excited for my first real date today! Wish me good luck, Sun Hee!" the text read. I was shocked when I saw those words. He never mentioned going on a date before.

"Good luck! Try to get laid tonight so we can have sex tomorrow!" I replied. I didn't care enough to ask who he was going on a date with. Or maybe it's because I already knew who it was. Even so, I wasn't planning on sitting around and waiting for him to tell me all about it. But, these days, I was used to hanging out with San after school. It was much easier when I didn't know him and I'd go straight home without a care. Now, a part of me didn't want to be alone despite how accustomed I grew to the feeling. Maybe I'd regret it, but I texted Seonghwa to help me deal with my boredom. It's not like I had anyone else to turn to anyway.

"I knew you were in love with me," Seonghwa replied back.

"I'll find someone else to hang out with then," I answered as I didn't want to feed his ego.

"Shut up. I'll meet you out in the front."

"I'm already there, idiot."

It wasn't long until I saw Seonghwa walking out with girls staring at him as he passed by. Their faces became bitter when they realized who he was going to hang out with. I'm sure everyone would be talking about us tomorrow like usual.

"Where we going?" he asked.

"Let's grab something to eat," I said as I waved to the girls who were staring. They looked at me with disgust. Seonghwa laughed as he winked back towards them, trying to keep his charming image. After the exchange, we made our way to the bus stop. When we got on, I saw San sitting with a girl next to him.

"So, that's why you invited me, huh?" Seonghwa expressed loudly. I tried to hush him up and dragged him to the back, hoping San wouldn't see. He looked too interested in the girl to pay attention to us anyway.

"San finally reached his limits," Seonghwa mocked.

"Just shut up. You're pissing me off."

"Someone's jealous."

"I could care less."

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. When we got to the cafe, I checked my phone to see if San had texted me, but there were no messages.

"You're one crappy date if all you're gonna do is wait for your ex to text back," he teased.

"We never dated, dummy."

"Yeah, I don't blame him."

We ate in silence as the two of us weren't used to talking without fighting. It was a different fight than the arguments San and I had though. Seonghwa was good at getting under my skin and under my clothes too. Because really, all I was doing was staring at his face the whole time, ready to fuck him on the spot. He was a dangerous guy who could probably get anyone he wanted easily. I hated him.

"We should go to the beach," I suggested after we finished eating.

"Are you kidding me? It's fucking cold outside," he spat.

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