Part XIV

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I started my first shift today at the cafe and I was hoping that working would get my mind off things. So, tell me why I had to see Jin Ha sitting at one of the tables I was about to walk to. I wanted to avoid her at all costs, but if I wanted to keep the job, I'd have to pretend to act nice. When I got there, I stared directly at the floor.

"Hey, what can I get for you today?" I asked, trying to change the pitch of my voice too. She turned to face me, smiling widely with excitement.

"Sun Hee? Is that really you?" Her voice was loud and shrilling.


"Oh my god, I haven't seen you since high school, how have you been?" she asked, trying to make small talk. I didn't like how friendly she was being. I knew she hated me.

"I've been great. Now, are you ready to order or no?"

"Not yet, I'm still waiting on someone."

My mind immediately thought of San when she said that. It couldn't be him though, right? I didn't know what I would do if I saw him right now, sspecially if he was with Jin Ha. Please, just let it be Seonghwa or anyone else for all I care.

"Excuse me," a man said behind me. My heart immediately sank when I recognized the voice. I didn't want to see him just yet, so I quickly walked away, hiding my face. When I finally made my way back behind the counter, I took a good look at the table. Of course she had to be waiting for San. I was speechless, but not surprised. I already knew they would've ended up together. But, seeing them made me want to run away again. I wanted to book the next flight out as soon as possible and pretend I never came back. There was nothing left for me in the city if I couldn't have him. But, wouldn't I regret not talking to him one last time? 

I admired the two from afar. San looked a lot more grown and muscular now. He was no longer the shy, scrawny boy who hid his face out of embarrassment. I could see how truly confident he's become. And Jin Ha somehow got even prettier. They looked like one of those couples straight out of a movie screen. Looking at myself, I was just a hot mess. Still, this is what I thought I wanted. The only thing that matters is that he's happy, and I'm relieved that he was able to move on. After minutes of staring, I suddenly realized that I was actually supposed to be working.

"What can I get for you guys?" I tried hiding my face behind the little notepad I had in my hands.

"I'll just have an Americano," Jin Ha said. I wrote down the simple order even though I could've just memorized it. I only did it so I could make the least amount of eye contact as possible.

"And I'm guessing you want a chocolate latte with a slice of strawberry cake on the side," I commented, not realizing how weird it must've sounded that I remembered San's exact order.

"Yes, how'd you know?" He giggled before looking up at me. His face immediately dropped when we looked at each other.

"Sun Hee?" His voice was filled with disbelief.

"Surprise?" I awkwardly raised my shoulders, cringing at the situation. My heart was racing.

"That will be all for today, thank you." Jin Ha quickly shut down the conversation. I nodded and walked away, not knowing what else to do. Afterwards, I ran to the bathroom, feeling a little dizzy from the encounter. I couldn't process the fact that San was right there in front of me. I tried to catch my breath until I heard the door open.

"Why are you here?" the voice spat. I straightened out my back and turned to face Jin Ha.

"I work here, duh."

"No, I'm asking you why you decided to come back after you disappeared for five years." Her voice was stern and a little intimidating

"Can't I just visit?" I tried to joke. Her expression did not change in the slightest.

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