Part IV

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"Jee Sun Hee is a stupid whore."

The bathroom stalls were getting real creative after rumors spread of me and San. The doors were getting filled up with comments done by girls who thought they had a chance with him, as if it was my fault that they didn't go after him first. If they wanted to talk, then I'd give them something to talk about. Although I hadn't seen San all day, I was determined to go to his house. I just wanted to get it over with so I could move on.

Walking out into the hallway was like a scene from a movie. All eyes were on me as I passed by. And for the first time, I felt vulnerable. I wanted to run back in and hide but, isn't this was what I wanted? To make matters worse, Seonghwa wanted to add fuel onto the fire. He stopped me abruptly in the hallway with an angry look on his face.

"Was he good, Sun Hee? Was it worth it?" The atmosphere was tense as he shouted those words.

"If you're so curious, why don't you try him out yourself?" I teased, but his expression didn't change one bit.

"You really are just a good for nothing slut."

"Ouch. You're hurting my feelings." I jokingly clenched my heart.

"Stop trying to act all tough. Once everyone's attention is off you, what will you do then?"

I looked around as everyone stared in anticipation for my response.

"I'll let you know if that ever happens. But for now, I'll give the people what they want. They feed off of drama and rumors, and San is the perfect toy to play with at the moment. I mean, you do know something about using other people for attention, right?" I crossed my arms across my chest and watched as Seonghwa gulped with guilt.

"By the way, I never found out what happened with your relationship," I mocked.

"Fuck you."

"I'm afraid you already did."

"Then tell me, is San better than me?"

"Are you serious? That's what you're so concerned about?" I laughed at his desperation. He was growing more irritated.

"I didn't have sex with San," I finally admitted. Now it was Seonghwa's turn to laugh.

"He must not like used goods." He smirked then turned to walk away.

"Hey, nice try on getting everyone to start talking about you again!" I shouted but he was already at the end of the hallway. Even though I technically had the last word, I felt like I lost the argument. The people who were watching shuffled out and I was left alone.

When classes were over, I practically ran to the bus. Although I was planning on meeting up with San after school, I couldn't bare the humiliation I endured earlier in the day. It wasn't like me to care about others' opinions, so why was I feeling so uncomfortable? I wanted to ignore the feeling and slumped down deeper in the chair. My mind was successfully zoning out until I got a notification on my phone.

" Park Seonghwa is now in a relationship with Goo Jin Ha," the screen showed. I giggled to myself when I read the status update.

"Congratulations on gaining back your popularity," I thought to myself. Getting back with your ex-girlfriend after arguing with the school's slut was one heck of a move and I had to hand it to him for thinking it all out. I shut off my phone and closed my eyes, ready to take a fat nap when I got home. That is until I felt a small poke on my arm.

"Were you trying to avoid me all day?" the familiar voice asked. I turned my head to see a pouting San right next to me.

"Did you follow me onto here?"

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