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"Hey, Seonghwa, were you being serious when you said I could stay at your place?" I looked over at him as his eyes were fixated on the road.

"Yeah." He turned to smile at me for a moment.

After he agreed to be roommates, I called my parents to tell them I was moving out and thanked them for being so great. I also promised them I'd pay them back as much as I could.

"Are you excited to live with me?" he teased after I hung up the phone. He rested his hand on my thigh, squeezing it every so often.

"You have a guest room, right?"

"Yeah, but why sleep in there when we can share a bed?"

I moved his hand away from me and scoffed.

"You look good wearing my hoodie, by the way," he complimented.

"I'd look good in anything," I joked.

"I definitely wouldn't go that far."

We both laughed.

Since that day, Seonghwa and I had become successful roommates for the last five months. Living with him was...nice, surprisingly. And everything was going well until Jin Ha showed up at our door one day.

"Sun Hee?" she asked when I opened the door.

"God, you're everywhere aren't you?" I spat.

"I could say the same thing to you," she retaliated.

"What do you want?"

"Where's Seonghwa?" she asked.

"He's not here right now," I replied, wanting her to leave as soon as possible.

"Are you living with him?"

I nodded my head and she sighed loudly.

"Well, I guess this makes things a little more interesting," she said while smiling. I furrowed my eyebrows in response. She proceeded to stick out her hand and shove it in my face.

"Nice, right?" She gestured to the ring that was on her finger.

"That's a pretty promise ring," I praised since I wasn't worried. Promise rings were common for boyfriends and girlfriends.

"It's not a promise ring, idiot. It's an engagement ring," she provoked. Suddenly, I froze in my spot.

"Seems like I won our little competition." She smirked while flinging her hand all over the place in order to mock me.

"You're lying, Jin Ha. There's no way San would've proposed to you," I said, trying to reassure myself.

"Then, why did I come here with a wedding invitation? We've been planning this for a little while now." She pulled out an envelope from her purse that had Seonghwa's name written on the outside.

"Where's mine then?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're not invited."

"San would've invited me."

"He made it clear that he didn't want you there."

"So, why are you inviting Seonghwa? Is it because you're hoping he'll object the marriage?" I looked her dead in the eye, prepared to beat her up if she even thought about breaking San's heart.

"You think you know everything, don't you?"

"Just answer the question. Are you still in love with Seonghwa?"

She started laughing in my face.

"San and I are much more mature than the two of you. We've both moved on, don't you think you guys should too?"

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