last. (Epilogue)

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It had been around a year since that painful day happened. I can still vividly remember Seonghwa and Jin Ha's faces when everything went downhill for them. My heart aches remembering how hard it was to watch them break down. I felt selfish knowing that San and I's happiness was at the expense of their own suffering. But at least we were doing great together. We opened up our own shop and have been in a stable relationship since. I even moved in with him, for obvious reasons. Who knew it could've been this easy this entire time?

To be honest, I think it's only easy since it's just San and me. After Jin Ha agreed to not keep the baby, we've all collectively been avoiding each other. Even so, sometimes I wonder if they're doing alright. Will they ever find their happiness too?

"Hi, this is S & S's Flower Shop, what can I get for you today?" I asked over the phone to our most loyal customer.

"Hi, I'd like to order a bouquet with an assortment of roses for a girl named Sun Hee," the boy replied. When I turned around, San stood behind me with a phone in his hand and a big smile across his face.

"Stop buying me flowers! We have to save them for paying customers," I jokingly whined.

"But, I am a paying customer!" he argued, using the same whiny voice as me. I hung the phone up immediately to walk over and give him a quick kiss.

"We should close up the shop early today," San suggested after he pulled away from our hug.

"Okay," I immediately agreed.

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, I hate working," I said while already yanking my apron off. He started laughing but proceeded to do the same. When we got into the car, San shoved a bag into my hands.

"What's this for?" I asked, raising my eyebrows up.

"Open it."

I quickly rummaged through the packaging to find a photo album. When I flipped through the pages, I found the pictures San had ripped up, all poorly taped together.

"You idiot." I bursted out into laughter.

"What? This was supposed to be a sentimental gift!" He pouted.

"You could've just asked me to reprint them, dummy." I playfully flicked his forehead and he dramatically grabbed the area, crying out in pain.

"It's the thought that counts, stupid. Be grateful," he scolded as I threw the photo album to the side.

"Let's just take new photos," I grabbed his shirt closer to me.

"Of what?" He smirked.

"You're a pervert." I sat back in my chair and started giggling as he rolled his eyes.

"You're one to talk." He smiled and I looked at him with an annoyed face before laughing.

"So, what should we do with our day off?" I asked.

"Ji-Hye asked me to come with her to go see my grandparents again."

"You really want me to come with you after what happened last time?"

"It'll be fine, don't worry." He smiled and I reluctantly agreed.

"Should we get them something?" I questioned.

"Yeah, let's go home and pack first then stop by the mall," he said as we drove off.

I wish I hadn't suggested getting a gift. Because after months of avoiding each other, we were bound to run into of them sooner or later. And of course it had to be Jin Ha. We awkwardly made eye contact as she passed by with a girl next to her.

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