Question 20

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Me: Hey yall I'm sorry that I didn't update a lot yesterday, it's because for some reason I was so sleepy yesterday. It was from either the fact that I haven't been sleeping so much lately or that my job takes away my energy, but I guess I'm good now.

Richtofen: Vow....zhat vas zhe longest explanation to start off zhe Q & A.

Me: Hey, shush! *rolls eyes* Just ask the question.

Richtofen: Ja. -WingsOfFire- asks us, If ve had a dragon joining our squad, how vould ve feel?

Me: So how would yall feel?

Tank: That. Would. Be. AWESOME! Oh-rah!

Nikolai: If dragon can make vodka, then Nikolai will be happy. *sips vodka*

Takeo: The dragon must also have honor. If not, then he'll be a barbarian.

Richtofen: If zhe dragon, can burn zhe minions alive, zhen ot vould be wunderbar! *grins*

Me: I think that would be great, sine no one hasn't of that ever! So let's see it!

Tank: Yep! So, -WingsOfFire- let's see this badass dragon in your book, which I started reading.

Richtofen: Ja, zhe next chapter better be wunderbar!

Nikolai: Da, Nikolai likes my bio that you wrote. *sips vodka*

Takeo: My bio made me feel honored.

Me: Yeah, the introduction was good. So everyone go check out -WingsOfFire- zombie book! I have a feeling it's gonna be good. ;)

Tank: Yep. Well hope you guys enjoyed-

Me: Hey! I say that! Well hope yall enjoyed! Ask or dare us! ♥Bye♥

Tank: I would have said it better.

Me: *rolls eyes* You can say it next time.

Tank: Oh-rah!

Richtofen: Nein...

Q & A with me and the COD Zombie CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now