Reveal Actors #2!!!!

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Me: So.........on 115 film's Twitter page they revealed three actors already.

Tank: So we'll tell yall who's playing who!

Richtofen: Zhe Youtuber playing stoopid Dr. Maxis, ew, is..........Youtuber Laggin24x!!

Me: Yay! My favorite youtuber playing my most hated(besides Stu) character.

Tank: The Youtuber playing Brutus is....................Youtuber Mrdavetherave411!!

Nikolai: Da.....I have no idea who that is! *sips vodka*

Me: *rolls eyes* And now playing Dr. Harvey Yena is............MrTLexify!!!

Tank: Oh-Rah!! Awesome!

Me: Of course!! I am so so so so pumped!:)

Richtofen: Next person to be revealed is Peter McCain!!!!

Me: Yes! Can't wait!!!:)

Tank: Oh-Rah! Hope yall enjoyed!

Richtofen: Be sure to vote, comment, und follow Lindsay!

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

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