Fanart For The Giant #1!!

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Me: So Deviantart artists are already doing art for the new zombies for BO3!!!

Tank: Deviantart artist DerChaoticHorizon drew this amazing art!

Me: He calls it Changes The Story, because basically Origins Richtofen killed his Nazi self, so doing that, everything that we knew about the Storyline, is now being rewritten!

Tank: Dude, I can't wait for this!! Oh-Rah!

Richtofen: So am I! I vill be...VUNDERBAR!!!

Me: *rolls eyes* Well hope yall enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and on Deviantart, follow DerChaoticHorizon!

Nikolai: Check out his art! It's amazing! *sips vodka*

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

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