Dare 15

110 5 4

Me: Ok! *smirks evily* We have.....A DARE!!

Everyone: *gasps*

Me: This will be very funny....and also embarassing for the person..

Tank: *crosses fingers* Not me, not me, not me.

Me: And this person is.....

~Intense drum roll by Billy Handsome;)~

Me: ..........RICHTOFEN!

Tank: *jumps up* OH-RAH!! NOT ME!

Richtofen: NEIN!! Vhy me?

Me: Because this person is awesome!

Richtofen: Vhat is zhe dare? *growls*

Me: *still smirking* TheNamesBlurryFace dare you to....dress up as a baby and Tank has to take care of you!:p

Everyone except Tank and Richtofen: *laughing*

Richtofen: I vill be back!

~Five minutes later...~

Me: Come on Eddy!

Richtofen: *comes out in a diaper*

Everyone: *snickers*

gotta_love_meh_: Ok! Tank here's the bottle.

Tank: *takes bottle* Ok Eddy! *puts bottle in Richtofen's mouth*

Richtofen: *drinks formula* I hate you all! First twerking, zhen dress up as Miley Cyrus, und now zhis!

Me: Shush! Babies can't talk in full sentences!

Richtofen: *rolls eyes*

Tank: I can't! *bursts out laughing*

Everyone else: *bursts out laughing*

Me: Well hope yall enjoyed!

Nikolai: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay, TheNamesBlurryFace, and gotta_love_meh_!

Me: ♥Bye♥

Richtofen: I vill get you TheNamesBlurryFace!

Me: You won't.

Richtofen: Und vhy is zhat? *raises eyebrow*

Me: He's Blurry Face!

Q & A with me and the COD Zombie CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now