Me: Hey yall! So last Q & A was........
Tank: Richtofen was being a girl!
Billy: Well -WingsOfFire-, they already have a girl in the group.
Richtofen: Nein! I vas just playing! *pouts*
Me: Ok, moving on! So we have all the groups here today for this one question. -WingsOfFire- asks all of yall, If you all had the power of being invinsible for a few days, what would you do?
Misty: Sneak a kiss on my Marley's lips ;) *winks at Marlton*
Marlton: Same thing for Misty. *blushes*
Stuhlinger: Sneak in a top secret building.
Russman: I don't know.
Billy: Murder more people. *grins*
Finn: Go and see Angela. (If yall didn't know, Finn's wife was an actress named Angelina Bow. She was the one who testified against him and out of all that, he still loves her)
Sal: Build my empire without the cops finding me.
Weasel: Con more people. Maybe even do that Los Angeles heist again, without getting caught this time.
Nikolai: Murder in order to reach higher rank, without being seen.
Tank: Kill them Nazi bastards, without them seeing me..
Takeo: Slay my enemies, while they can't see me.
Richtofen: Complete my plans and take over zhe vorld!
Me: and there yall go. Ask or dare us! ♥Bye♥
Q & A with me and the COD Zombie Characters
AcakJust a random story with me and Treyarch's very own zombie characters!