Question 39

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Me: So we got a question for the boys!

Tank: Oh-Rah! Let's do this!

Me: FNAFDUDE101 asks yall, if yall didn't have your kids, how will that affect yall?

Richtofen: Nein!! Evan come here! *pulls Evan in an intense bear hug* No one vill take him avay from me! He is mein und vill alvays be vith me!

Tank: *grabs Delilah* I ain't ever gonna let my little girl go!

Nikolai: *chokes on vodka* No!! Natalia will be with Nikolai! *bear hugs Natalia* Stay away from vodka and my daughter!

Takeo: I sharr sray anyone who dares take Takeda! *pulls out katana*

Delilah: I. Can't. Breath. Dad. Let. Go! *turns blue from hug*

Natalia: Papa. Let. Go. *turns blue as well*

Evan: Father. Can't. Get. Oxygen! *blue as well*

Me: Yall let go!

Richtofen: Nein! I love mein son too much!

Tank: I ain't ever letting go!

Nikolai: *sips vodka, while also holding Natalia* No!

Takeo: *still holds katana* Arright everyone, werr the barbarians won't let go.

Me: Well hope yall enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and FNAFDUDE101!

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

Delilah, Evan, and Natalia: HELP!

Q & A with me and the COD Zombie CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now