Question 71

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Me: We got a question that was supposed to be done a month ago, but I completely forgot about it:p My bad. So anyway, we got a question for......Finn!

Finn: What is it?

Me: My Albert!:) Can you read the question?

Albert: *smiles* Fine. Speedy from @SpeedandGamertool asks Finn, do you want to go back to Ireland and see Angela or what?

Finn: Angela and I live in California, but I would do anything to see her again. So yeah, I wanna see her.

Me: Awwwwww....wait, she turned you in to the cops.

Finn: Even though she ratted me out, I still love her.

Billy: *gags* Too much love in the room. I'm out! *walks out the room*

Sal: Wait up, Billy! *walks out too*

Me: *rolls eyes* No wonder they don't have girlfriends.

Albert: They sure don't. *wraps arm around me*

Me: *blushes lightly* Well hope yall enjoyed!

Finn: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and @SpeedandGamertool!

Me: *yells* Richtofen! Get in here!

Richtofen: *runs in the room* Ready liebling?

Me: *nods*

Me and Richtofen: ♥Bye♥

Q & A with me and the COD Zombie CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now