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Shut Up And Listen- Nicholas Bonnin and Angelicca

"Hating someone because you love them will only make you love them more."

"Where the fuck is he?" Muttered Alonzo under his breath while searching for a suit in his closet and trying to dial someone on his phone at the same time.

I, on the other hand, had a thick bandage around my forearm. I shouldn't have let my wound bleed. I should have cleaned it, not let someone who'd let me die take care of me.

I closed my eyes, acting like I was asleep, trying to hear more about who he was trying to call. Trying to gather more information about his work, about his mafia.

In all my years of being the head of the assassins, I never actually really wanted to gather information, to mix with their business and to gather more than what I was required. I already had all the power, even if none of the mafias thought that. I had more money, more power. I was even more active than their personal killers. More trusted.

Why? Because their workers could be underground agents and turn out to be there only for information. Me, on the other hand, was known for killing and not speaking. Loyal to the kill. Loyal to the money.

But I was only loyal to myself.

I slightly opened my eyes, and saw that he was leaning against the doorframe, staring at me. I quickly closed my eyes again.

"I know you're awake." He said. I smiled ironically, my eyes still closed, like what he said didn't really matter to me.

"I know I'm awake too." I responded, my eyes still closed, going on with my act of being nonchalant about what he was accusing me of.

His accuse of staring at him.

"I opened them, saw you're here, and closed them again. Happy?" I responded with a dumb ass response, but I guess better act then admit.

My heart was racing. My answer was suspicious. Me staring at him was suspicious. What if he suspects something about me? What if he starts searching my folders and realises that I, in fact, hadn't been in prison for speeding up but for suspected murder?

"Am I that attractive as you make it seem?" He questioned me, his position unknown to my mind because my eyes were closed.

I began saying to say no, to tell a lie even I didn't believe, but if I did how would our relationship get better? I didn't have much time until he will start suspecting me. If I have started fucking up this soon, what would happen after more time passes?

"Maybe you are." I responded.

It became quiet.

"Does your friend work for me?" He started speaking after a few minutes of silence.

Oh shit.

"Which friend?" I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows even though I was well aware of who he was directing the question for.

"The one who was apparently going to the same birthday party as you with an Italian accent." He tried refreshing my memory. I rested my face, acting like realization splashed in my face.

"Oh, you mean Sasha?" I questioned him back. "She works for you?"

"Apparently." He responded. His face blank as I tried reading his thoughts.

"I didn't know." I stared at him in the eyes as he stared back at mine.

Time stopped.

It felt like the lights went off and the only place they worked in were the place he was staying at, highlighting his body and not the door he was leaning against. He and I were the same poles and no matter how much we tried to come together we only would if someone was pressing us against each other. And those hands who were trying to push us together was my plan, the way I had to make him love me. Stay by me even though my instinct was telling me to go. To run away. To scream.

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