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Monsters- Ruelle


"No matter how good the fool, it may turn reality, but secrets tend to be revealed and we return to step one."


In sweat and Polina's dried tears on my shoulder, I headed to Alonzo's penthouse. My hair was up in a ponytail, messy, my clothes dirty from the hide behind the bushes.

Igor Kuznetsov fooled me even with my knife at his throat. Now? Someone was going to replace him. I didn't know who was going to be the next Bratva's head, but one thing that I knew for sure was that he was going to be ruthless. The Russians had no empathy.

Staring at the elevator's mirror, I realized I had to figure a good lie to fool that man. Him being in the Italian mafia didn't help either, it meant that he was good at profiling.

But I was good at fooling.

And distracting. 

I got out, and Alonzo was sat on the couch texting on his phone. His shirt black, tight, showing his abs. A silver chain around his neck. Grey sweatpants. His hair, wet. My heart skipped a beat, but I was sure it was because of the anxiety bubbling inside of me.

He turned his head and scanned my attire.


"Hey." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Hey." He responded back, staring at me like he was trying to figure out where I had been.

"I fell." I explained and he nodded.

"You still look good." He coldly said, but the compliment still stuck.

Maybe fooling him would be easier than I thought.

"You too." I returned the compliment.

The only light in the entire house came from the kitchen which was faint over the living room.

"I'm going to change." I said and went up the stairs.

Entering the bathroom, I kept thinking about how I could have my head shot at any moment. So to survive in this house, I should never threaten anyone, be seen with weapons, and to try to make the man in the living room fall in love with me. Closing the running water, I dried the drops of water that were dripping from my body and onto the floor.

I opened the door and saw that Alonzo was sat on the side of the bed, and he scanned me again from head to toe, but this time I was clean.

"We are getting married in 6 months." The announcement echoed in the entire room.

Normally I would have shot myself in the head in normal circumstances, but knowing I could have someone else shot me too was another thing.

"That's... good." I tried to not sound as frustrated as I felt.

"And why's that?" He titled his head right, copying my movement.

He stared. Deep. Making my heart skip a beat. His hair messy, still not brushed, his green eyes, staring deep into mine, his muscles clearly visible through his shirt.


"Hm?" He questioned me again, in a voice so deep it made my boiling blood volatilize.


He stood up, my hand gripping the towel, trying to be sure it wouldn't fall.

"Why's that good?" He questioned me again, his voice low, cold, but the tease was clearly visible.

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