13~Unspoken Tension

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Hotel- Montel Fish
"The truth you are searching for is always in front of you, you just don't see it because you don't know where to look."

"Are you sure the rumors are true?" I stared right into her eyes as I headed inside the ice cream shop. She followed right behind.

"Positive. I know you didn't tell me her name, but the stories matched up." She said while sitting and fixing her lipstick in front of a little mirror she pulled from her Birkin bag.

"How did the stories mat- Hold on. Where did you find the money to buy that Birkin?" I scanned the black Birkin bag. Her dark blue eyes opened for a slight second, like she didn't know how to answer the question. The hand she was using to fix her lipstick froze.

"Found it." She blurted.

I shook my head and stared at her attire.

A white dress that hugged her figure; her brown, curly hair styled in a slick back ponytail, a makeup that let your attention wander to her smokey eyes that made her eyes pop and her red full lips.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Found it, huh?" I called her out on the lie.

Her lips pulled in a thin line, her eyes like she was searching for an answer.

"Look, It's... complicated." She stared at the white table in front of us with two untouched ice creams.

She took one in hand and took a spoon full of flavoured chocolate ice cream on her mouth. "The ice cream is really good, you should try it." she said while still not letting her food reach her stomach.

"Don't change the subject, Arine. Where did you find the money?" She stared at me as she parted her lips, searching for every possible answer except the truth.

She had to work on her lying.

"It's pointless to even tell you. He has days not contacting me." She slipped and I smiled.

"It's a he, hm?" I teased her as I playfully hit her shoulder with the back of my palm.

"Stop it." She softly laughed, as if she was embarrassed she was actually thinking about a guy instead of the other way around.

Even though I doubt it with the Birkin bag on her side.

A notification ring coming from her phone pulled her back from her laugh, and as she stared at it her face became unreadable, even for me.

"What is it?" I questioned her.

"Nothing." She quickly responded.

I didn't want to push her too much, but I guess even if I did, I would have my explaining to do.

I went to take an ice cream when Arine stared at me open eyed.

"What?" I questioned her.

"The ring?" She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the planet. Now it was my time to draw my lips in a thin line.

"So basically," I started saying I just wanted to see how a wedding ring would look on me, but she interrupted.

"I dare you not to tell me the truth. I fucking dare you." She threatened me.


She would eventually figure it out by the wedding invitations.

"I'm engaged." It was my turn to blurt it out.

She stood up, came in front of me, grabbed my forearm and started walking away from the ice cream shop, cursing under her breath, and letting some little huffs out.

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