18~Games of Secrets-Part 2

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Ex Habit- Bad Girls Do It Well
"When the past comes to hunt us, run or it will meet the present."

"How did you know Frederico Gallo was going to die?" He threatened me.

I stilled.


"Do you remember what I said?" I threatened him back, a sharpness in my gaze.

"And what would that be?" He turned to look at me, turning the lights of the car on.

I could see his sharp features clearly under the light that was a complete opposite of the darkness outside the little surface we were inside of.

I smiled and titled my head right.

"I said that you won't ask questions because then I'll start asking too, Pierce." I licked my lips, getting the dry feeling off them.

"If I answer one of your questions, will you answer one of mine,Camelli?" He challenged.

I debated the results in my head, and all of them told me the win was in my favor.

"Sure." I agreed and leaned back on the passenger seat. He searched my face as I was searching his.

A question for a question.

A game for an answer.

"Tell me why you have higher profits then your rivals, and to be exact, 87 percent." I threw the question on the table, one which was bugging me off since the day I hacked his bank account and saw all the profits that came in and compared them with the other mafias.

He didn't react. No surprise in his gaze, no flinch, no movement.

I felt like I was looking at myself. And one thing of mine? I can't be read.

"Well, dear Camelli, first thing we need to clear up here," he leaned closer, his breath under my ear, his other hand tilting my head up. "is that hacking someone's profits is a felony. Second, to answer your question," he let go of holding my jaw. "I have double the team every other mafia has. With my big profits, I am able to pay everyone equally and with the amount of money I earn, I am more than able to search for a better team."

It made sense, but still didn't explain how he was able to earn that big of a profit before with a similar team to the other mafias. His peak is now, before he was above average, but now he is beyond.

I wanted to ask more. But it was a question for a question.

"Okay." I answered. 

"How did you know Frederico Gallo was going to die tonight?" He questioned me, trying to win the game.

I smiled knowing I had thought about this answer.

"Clandestine." I said.

"You know her?" He questioned again.

"A question for a question, Pierce." I answered back.

He kept looking at me, uncaring, but I knew he was boiling inside. Getting angry at the fact that something was off his radar for once.

"Ask the question, Camelli."

Knowing I always see him awake at night, either working or staying on his phone, I asked the question.

"What's the one thing that keeps you up at night, Pierce?"

This time a side of his cheek turned up.

A. fucking. Dimple.

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