Trapped - 02

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Staring into a familiar pair of eyes my heart starts to beat fast

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Staring into a familiar pair of eyes my heart starts to beat fast. Definitely not in a good way.

Shariq Raichand, stares at me like he is planning something ominous. He opens the passenger door wider from his side of the seat without getting out of the car.

"Get in the car Shiv." He says with a hard tone.

I refuse to go, standing there without answering. He looks at me for a while and says, "If you don't get in the car the next moment, I am going to park here in the middle of the road. I don't care about the traffic." He says a smug smile taking over his entire face.

I know that he'll do it. I'd bet that he'll get free from any charges with a slap on the wrist

6 years of knowing someone who stalks you everytime will do that to you. A boy in the body of an adult. The years have passed but still he refuses to accept the obvious.

I don't want to be with him.

"What do you say?" He says with an arrogant smirk of a person who knows he'll get what he wants. Everytime.

I look around noticing that people are staring at us so I soon send a text to my bestfriend and get into the car

Shivanya - The manchild shows his face again. Literally. He almost caused a scene in the middle of town. Now I am in his car 🤷🏻‍♀️

Nitya - How many times do I tell you to get a restraining order against him or atleast tell this to your parents Shivi 🤦🏻‍♀️

Shivanya - You know my answer to that 🙂

Nitya - Yeah Yeah Mother Teresa. Good luck on your first day. Text me when you reach. Be safe! ❤

Shivanya - Always 🤍

The reason I couldn't file a restraining order is simple. I don't want to. Yeah I know I might seem dumb. But let me tell you one thing. I know this man since he was a boy. For a good part of a year we were friends.

The day he proposed me I rejected him politely saying that "we" won't work out. Since that fateful day I saw another face of Shariq.

He stalked me all the time. He threatened my male friends even when they were just talking to me. Almost sabotaged my every job opportunities using his father's authority. I don't feel safe around him at all.

"So Guardians Elite huh?" He says with a hint of irritation in his tone.
I don't answer him. I don't even know how he knows my workplace. I don't want to know.

This Security Company was the only one among my job conquests that his father didn't have any connections.

Too bad the owner, Vihaan Rajputh is a self-made billionaire who didn't have to climb any ladders using people like Pramod Raichand. I almost smile.

"What are you trying to prove Shiv? I know that you want to prove me wrong by going to work and sell me all the independent women crap. Please spare me the bullshit & resign this job. I'll take care of you." He says it with such causality that I forgot all my niceties for a minute and words tumble from my mouth

"Who do you think you are Shariq? I have told you more than hundred times that my life has nothing to do with proving anything to you. I live for myself and you don't play a part in any of my decisions! I can't believe I am having this conversation with you. Again." I stare out of the window exasperated about even entertaining this conversation.

He stops the car near the entrance of my new workplace. Another day which was supposed to be happy is wasted by him.

He turns to me from the driver's seat and says, "I have said this before & I'm saying it again, no matter what, you'll be mine in the end. I don't care whom I see or fuck in the meantime, we are endgame Shiv."

He gives me a lustful once over that makes my body shiver in disgust.

I open the door and shut it with a renewed force "Go to Hell!" I whisper shout near his side of the door and his eyes blazes with fury.

Sometimes I fear what he might do to me if I ever crossed a line in rejecting him. Even that plays a major part in my idea about the restraining order.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and paste on a bashful smile hoping to impress my new acquaintances. I walk into the office which will change my fate for the better or for the worse.

To be continued...

So what do you think about Shariq?
Do you accept his views? By the way he's not the main lead. I don't romanticize or even appreciate those kind of characters.

And Vihaan will make an appearance soon. There are good things to those who waits 😊


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