Game day

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Jude pov
I woke up to my alarm quickly turning it off to make sure I didn't wake up the sleeping girl in my arms I stared down at her feeling happy we talked last night and could help her and I would continue to until she was okay no matter how long for

I sat back rubbing my fingers through her hair to wake her up so I can get her breakfast and make sure she eats "wake up my love" I said softly into her ear as I pulled her up more onto my chest I kissed her forehead as she woke up more hugging me tighter

She hummed as she placed her head in my neck making me laugh

"Come on baby we're going to have breakfast and that before I leave and get ready" I said as I sat up with her clung onto me

"What's up" I said to her

"I'm tired still" she whined which was fair considering she was drained last night and it was 9 am right now I carried her with me downstairs and placed her on the sofa and went to my mum to help with breakfast after she said hi to aria

"Baby can I talk to you" my mum said whilst I made aria a iced coffee she looked serious

"Uh yeah what's wrong" I asked nervous

"I saw that Ollie leaked arias number and that she apparently got hundreds of messages from people on her phone and want to make sure she's ok" my mum said giving a glance to aria who was watching high school musical to distract her

"Yeah no it was shit I found out properly last night as she didn't want my birthday ruined so she waited but she want the best which broke me seeing her upset last night she hadn't eaten and was struggling with how she looked and everything but I talked to her and it made her feel better so it makes me less worried but want to keep an eye on her" I said remembering last night

"Oh my poor baby it's horrible what Ollie's doing to her" my mum said in disbelief

"Yeah I know it broke me mum she was so broken she got messages to look like her sister or that she wasn't good enough for me or anything and that she was fat and should loose weight she didn't eaten for nearly two days mum it was so bad and I was so worried" I said getting a bit emotional about it all

"Oh honey it's okay I will keep an eye on her and give her a mother to daughter talk to make her feel safer about it all I know she needs one right now ok" my mum said re assuring me which I appreciate

Once I made the tea I brang it in for her abs pecked a kiss to her forehead and sat with her for a bit before I heard my mum say everything was ready aria went to get up but I refused and went to grab her meal I had a peanut butter bagel with banana and honey with a bit of bacon for protein
And carbohydrates

I made aria a bowel of fruit to start and if she ate that she would have something else and if she didn't eat it all it's okay because it was better than nothing

Arias pov

Jude came back in with a fruit bowl for me which I thanked him for I did well with it then I had voices in my head that I shouldn't eat this snd began to struggle a big with finishing but Jude noticed and placed a hand on my thigh under the blanket and gave me an encouraging smile and began a conversation and I loved his man so much he just got everything about me

Once he started a conversation I slowly went back to the bowl of fruit and finished it all which I as proud off Jude decided he wouldn't push me with it and he would leave out me having anything else which I was thankful for and Jude and I decided to go for a shower and stuff which turned into a make out session then we showered eachother once we did that we got out and changed I pulled on one of my matching white fox pieces and Jude and I were back downstairs I was finishing the movie whilst he went to help his mum

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