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Jude's pov

I woke up and today was a few days before I should hopefully be able to play again I had appointments and I had a permanent shoulder brace that I had to wear all the time through recovery apart from when I showered  I had an appointment to see how it was going  today and I was nervous I wanted to play again I enjoyed watching the games with aria but I was itching to get back out there

I felt aria move beneath me and rhe woke up "morning handsome boyfriend of mine" she said which made me smile big "morning beautiful girlfriend of mine" I teplied back

" you excited about today" she said

"Yeah x bit nervous though slot is riding on this" I said to her feeling pressure

I got up with aria and we went to shower and she had to help me with the brace as it was tight and I couldn't get it off

I felt the pressure released from the brace as aria said it off me and we got ready I was changed and we headed to the training ground after aria reapplied the brace to my shoulder

"Hello Jude let's see how the shoulder it's doing" the physio therapist asked

He did some x rays and tests and the doctor came in whilst aria held my hand for it all knowing I was anxious about the results

"Okay so we have a bit of news" at that moment I knew something was wrong "okay so Jude the shoulder it getting better but we want you to keep it on for all training  and games to ensure it dosent bash your shoulder we might even give you a bigger more padded one but outside of training  you will need to be careful as it's all very fragile and we might have to do a surgery at the end of the season or even there's a gap so we can get tour shoulder to fully recover and prevent this from happening again"

"Okay so can he play again for now" aria asked knowing I was trying to process it all as I squeezed her hand

"Yes until the end of season but I advised for Jude not to go to England for this national break as we need to make sure everything is find but. We will see as time goes on but definitely not England training

"Okay yeah we understand" aria said

"Now I have given the trainers a sheet of what you can and can't do, when you can go back we are going to refrain from doing a shoulder exercise until after the first game until we can see what it's like and I will have sessions with you so we can gradually lessen how much you wear the brace but until the surgery you have to wear it for games and training" the physio said

We soon left and I had on the brace again which was so uncomfortable "hey baby are you ok" aria asked me "yeah just annoying how much I have to wear this brace" I said placing my hand on her thigh  we arrived at home where a sport masuse came over to woke on Jude's shoulder which made him feel less tense there which was good and we hoped Jude could be  back soon

We spent the day not doing much and Jude had an email from the physio that Jude could go to training this week and be in the game and the starting line  up which he was extatic about

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