First day

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Arias pov

I woke up this morning feeling so happy I was in bed sun shining through the blinds and wrapped in my favourite persons arms and it felt amazing Jude was here this morning because he had later training and their game was tonight which I was obviously going to go to

I took the time to admire how this was my future now living with my dream man and waking up to him every morning it's what I wanted I could smell his comforting cologne still from yesterday and his muscley arms around my waist and his face was just above my head and I took in his angelic features with the sound of his heart beat in my ear

His smooth skin,his perfect shaped face,snatched jaw,his beautiful plump pink lips,his broad arms and his amazing body that his man was a 10 ans I had no clue how I bagged this man

Soon I felt Jude stir a bit and his grip was tighter on me insinuating that he was waking up

I brung my hand softly to his face as I couldn't reach his neck and softly rubbed it making him smile with his eyes closed as I felt his body relax more into my hand on his face as me lent down into my neck

This boy was my forever.

Jude's pov

I woke up to arias hand on my cheek gently rubbing it which made me smile and place my face into her neck as I smelt her comforting scent that she had

I rubbed the side of her waist and she giggled softly and placed a kiss onto the back of my neck

"Morning angel" I muffled

"Morning my handsome man" she said as her hands went to the back of my neck rubbing it making me feel tired again just by simple touches

I slowly leaned up placing a kiss on her beautiful lips that just fit together and wouldn't with anyone else's

And we stayed hugging before I decided to put in a show for us and I went and got us both a drink me a iced coffee and Ariana hot chocolate that was her biggest obsession for drinks in the morning or at night literally like a kid buys that's why I love her she's the same as me in terms of being a bit child like and understanding my funny side and how I deal with things she got it she gets it all

As we say layed in bed together aria under my arm I felt at peace this felt right it all felt right and I knew this was supposed to be everything about it I know I am going to marry this girl when the times right and comes

Soon it was 12 and I had to get ready for training at 1 so me and aria had a shower but we did nothing because we were both a bit rushed because we spent too long cuddling together

I got ready into training kid and as I saw aria stride through into the walk in wardrobe I was captivated by how beautiful she was doing absolutely nothing

"Hey baby did you unpack my skin care and that last night" she said confused

"Yeah I wanted to make it easier for you when you got up I was going to do some of your clothes but I knew you would want them a certain way" I said as I walked over to my bedside to get my phone for the first time today

"Aww baby that's so sweet I appreciate it a lot" she said walking over to me pulling me into a hug and kissing my lips

"Anytime love anything for you" I said kissing her head as we stood in each others embrace for a bit before she went to change as she had a meeting to attend to

I packed the rest of the stuff I needed for training and kissed aria as I left she looked amazing she had on a grey long bodycon dress and ysl  heels

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