Part 47

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Jude's pov

It's been two weeks since my injury and I am doing well it's felt like a really long process when it's not the only thing I enjoyed was seeing my friends and family from home and obviously being with aria more in the pregnancy I can walk on it now I just have to take it easy and no physical activity yet but I can start training soon which makes me happy and I was told I can do swimming and certain gym workouts to ease me back in and the other day I went to one of the games the boys played and we won 1-0

I had just gotten out of physical therapy wheee I did some workouts to get my body used to my normal physical condition and now was heading home Jed,Toby,Noah and Jobe were all at our house and we were going to have a day together as we have been hanging out in a group but not by ourself the girls want to have a shopping day and get some food so it was a good idea within this time arias belly has gotten bigger and it was becoming more real that she's pregnant it made me so happy that the girl I adore with everything is carrying MY child it was a beautiful feeling

When I got home aria was just coming down the stairs holding her stomach "hey l ok be" I smile at her "hey babe how was physio" she asked smiling as she pulled me down for a kiss that lasted longer than we planned we couldn't take it further as we have guests "it was good i have been doing well hopefully can go to training next week and I have been given workouts I can start doing as well as being told I can do swimming and that now which is nice" I smiled it was a slow process but knowing I was near the end made it better

"Oh babe I'm happy you can start getting back to it I'm proud of you and how you handled all this" she smiled at me kissing me again as she took me into the kitchen where she made me some food and I realised that's why she asked me to call her when I was on the way home it was nice being with my friends from home and the girl l loved sometimes I forget to take time to relax with people because I always think about the next thing

After we ate I went for another shower as I had worked out quite a bit at physio and aria finished getting ready and when I came out the shower I saw Imogen,saff and aria getting Ki ready to go out I grabbed my clothes I needed and went back into the bathroom as my room had been evaded by 3 girls who aren't supposed to be in here when I'm getting ready Ki was kind of an exception as she was like our little sister/ child

When I walked out aria called me "Jude what do you think of this cute dress for Ki" aria smiled "is that the one you wore to prom ari also Ki you look amazing" I smiled at Ki "yeah it is I loved it I'm showing Ki how they alter them and everything for WHEN she gets into fashion school" aria said as I smiled "that's cool and aria is right Ki your so getting into that fashion school and I'm expecting you to help with outfits also tomorrow I'm going to sunnys if you want to come with us so you can meet her" I said "really" she asked surprised as I smiled "of course, you can meet a bunch of new people" I said as she came and hugged me and aria "thank you guys I appreciate it" she said sweetly Ki was always appreciative of anything and besides like we said she's like our sister or adoptive child and me and aria want to take her under our wing

The girls soon got changed and they were about to leave for shopping Ki had on a adenola tracksuit as she couldn't wear anything tight because the public didn't know she was pregnant yet so she's wearing alot of baggy stuff to keep it hidden

Arias pov



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