Part 46

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Jude's pov

It's been a few days since I have been home and it's been good for me and I actually enjoyed having a rest because I was so busy and not taking care of myself as much but having my parents and Jobe and Kaia it was a bit hard because aria was trying not to have naps as much as she did because everyone was here and wondered why she was sleeping more and I could see it was hard for her we have had Valentine's Day and because I was injured and she was pregnant and didn't want to go out I made us a cute surprise by making a movie day for us with snacks and got massages aswell as her gifts because I knew this is what she wanted this year

Today was the 18th of February and everyone was coming down for our surprise announcement and aria had been cleaning all day yesterday and today just was going to the clinic to get the stitches out and to get my first physio session done and it was right now 10am everyone would land at 2.30 pm today so we had time we were on the way to the clinic now as my appointment was in 15 minutes

Getting the stitches out was quite painful but it was definitely better I didn't have much pain there anymore and can get my foot properly wet I was told I shouldn't wear shoes for a little bit longer so my scar dosent get irritated but i was told if my foot hurts to just wear the boot I had to make sure to wear it for atleast 9 hours of the day for the first 3 days then it was up to me I had the physio therapy and I had to walk across this area and I thought it would be easy but it was not it made me feel quite useless to be honest but I eventually did it even though I had pain

Today I managed to do walking and jumps and apply lots of pressure so that was good and they said I was healing fast which was good for me
We were on the way home now and aria could tell I was a bit down "babe I know you don't think you did but you really did do well and I'm proud of you for that and it will get easier as the weeks go by and think about when you can celebrate a goal for the baby soon" she said making me smile aria really did always know what to say to me

We had arrived home and i knew she was shattered so with a lot of forcing i managed to get her to nap for a bit before everyone came over I did the rest of the cleaning and i began to arrange the boxes for everyone we have white tissue paper at the bottom and with a sleeping onsie in them with your going to be on it we had made ones for everyone we had to order 25 auntie ones 23 uncle ones and 1 grandma and 1 grandpa and 10 cousin ones with a wooden circle in there I had to arrange them all in our room to keep it secret form my parents and jobs and kaia but had to be quiet because aria was sleeping

It was 2.55 and I heard the door go I went to answer the door as I let aria continue sleeping as I opened the door everyone came in all exited today we only had family and arias friends and a few on mine as they lived in the uk and I would tell the team when I'm back "where's aria" the girls said "she's finishing the surprises upstairs I will go get her everyone go in the kitchen I have drinks and stuff here for you guys and food

The kids were coming up to me but I said I have to leave them for a second to get aria as I went in all the noise disappeared and I was back in a calm state as I saw aria "baby wake up everyone is here and downstairs darling" I whispered moving hair out her face "j I have a headache and I feel awful today I hate this part of pregnancy" she complained as a few tears fell from her eyes "oh darling I'm so sorry come here" I said pulling her into a hug when aria first felt like this we called Lilly and asked if it was normal well I did and she said again for her age that she's pregnant it's common

"Do you want anything baby maybe a tablet for the headaches I can tell them you will be down soon to give it time to kick in" I said gently as I smoothed her hair down "can you stay with me for a bit please I just want to hug you for a few minutes if that's ok" she whispered into my chest "of course it is my love let me get you a tablet and we can continue this" I said as I got a tablet and went downstairs to get some more water I didn't hide what I was doing when I came down they would know soon "give us a few and then we can share the surprise" I said as I went back to aria and sat with her for a while "once we have told them you can go back and nap if you need to they will all understand" I said as she nodded

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