Night after

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Jude's pov

I woke up to the sun glaring into my room and aria still asleep I took time to admire and soak in this morning I loved having aria to wake up to all the time

Today was arias last day before she went back to England to get the rest if her stuff and spend time with the girls before she comes back for my game against Celta Vigo

I started running my hand along arias back gently whilst I looked at my phone and i saw all the hate aria was getting because we were together and it infuriated me so much the way people acted I replied to a few just been petty and the rest I ignored and then we were both logged into each other's instagrams so I switched onto hers and I saw the messages she was getting from fans and it was not nice at all and I decided today she wasn't going on her phone unless it was management,friends or family so she could have a nice social media day free before she goes back to England for a bit Long with my family as they traveled back too

I put both our phones away and I sat and put the tv on low volume and watched around half an hour later aria woke up with a smile as I was looking at her

"Morning angel how are you today love" I asked her kissing the top of her head

"Morning baby I'm ok but tired though and a bit of a headache" she said which I expected so I gave her paracetamol and water

We both showered and got ready for the day before we went to go downstairs but I stopped her quickly "baby can I tell you what we're doing today" I said like an exited kid on Christmas

"Sure baby also do you know where my phone is" she asked

"That's the thing today you snd me are going to have a social media free day we can't go on our phones unless it's management,friends or family so we can have a nice day together without everyone talking about us" I said looking at her as a smile envelopes her beautiful face I love when she smiled

"Baby I love that idea I need a break from it all to be honest it's too much at the moment" she said exhausted by talking about it as she placed her head onto my chest and I could tell she was about to cry which breaks me

"I know baby and trust me when I say all k want is to take the hate away from you if I could" I said sadly

"Don't worry it's okay I can handle it besides I should be used to this considering I have done this my whole life sometimes you just have to suck it up" she said like it was nothing

I knew she didn't think that considering she had to have a few therapy sessions to talk about how she felt with the hate she got a few years back after what happens between her mum and her plus when media found out

"I love you baby and I appreciate that you thought to do this for me" she said smiling up at me

"I love you too angel and of course anything for you"

We left my room after aria had packed a bit and we headed to a nice restaurant for brunch we have been here a few times when we came to Madrid when we were younger


It was summer and my family and arias family did one of the 3 holidays we went on as a group (I was 17 she was 15)and we came to Madrid we were so excited we came a few days ago and we had already done loads of exploring and went to a Real Madrid game which was so much fun

It was Saturday and me and aria wanted to go out to the beach and explore whilst going to eat I found a nice restaurant for brunch which I booked a table for.

Aria came down the stairs of the kids villa which was next to our parents villa I was amazed how beautiful she looked her favourite denim short shorts and her bandeau red top that covered her bikini top with her beach bag on her shoulder phone in hahd wearing her nice jewellery the gold necklaces we bought her and gold hops and bracelets followed by her rings that complimented her olive complexion

"I'm so exited come on j let's go"she said as her giggle echoed through the hallway I took her hand as we left for the restaurant the others were coming down later to join for the beach but we wanted to go somewhere together just us

We were around 10 minutes from the town so we walked down hand in hand sun beaming on the skin once we arrived we got our seats and we ordered our food we spent 2 and a half hours laughing and we were late to the beach but it didn't matter we were in our own world

End of flashbacks

Once we arrived snd were seated we were in the same place as before as we reminisced about our time here before remembering we came back here again after our first time it was our spot as we liked to call it before

I had to be healthy so I ordered a iced coffee avocado on toast with a poached egg on top and a side of hash browns to share with aria as you get 4 and aria had a hot chocolate with Nutella pancakes and banana like before

We spent ages talking and eating our food which we devoured and then it was time for the next suprise

I took aria to the same beach again and she was so excited to be back it made me feel happy knowing she liked it

"Baby can you put a bit if sun cream on my back please" aria asked me placing her hair to the side

I placed it in my hands and massaged it into her skin as she thanked me and did the same for me

After a few hours I was hit and we were leaving soon as it was now half 1 and we were leaving just after 2 so I pulled her up from being asleep tanning and I ran ti the water with her on my back I knew people were looking but I didn't care anymore I wanted to enjoy myself and not worry for a day

We finished the day and went home around 2.15 to go home and showered before we changed me in just grey joggers and aria in one of my tops and a pair of Nike pros she looked unreal

We snuggled on the couch and I put a blanket over us as aria was in my lap and we talked and enjoyed the quiet before I ordered our food for dinner from arias favourite Italian restaurant I got her mascarpone pasta with garlic bread and me a tomato pasta that was healthy but delicious

Once the door ringed I put sris down and grabbed the food and I played it up bringing it to aria served up as aria was now placed beside me with her legs across mine as am we ate good when aria spoke

"Thank you so much for today baby it was amazing and it was so refreshing I loved it so much and I love you for doing this" and whispered

"Don't worry baby I'm glad I did this for you without prying eyes all the time or phones" I said looking down at her in awe

"Same my love it was perfect in every way" she said looking at me the same way

We then cuddled back up properly on the sofa when we got treats like the cookies aria made the other day which were amazing may I say and soon after at around 11 pm aria was fast asleep in my arms and I picked her up and we t straight into bed cuddled up and tomorrow she would be leaving for around 5/6 days but I knew they were going to be the longest days ever

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