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Iwas up early this morning for training and o knew my mum and dad was already up aria was still fast asleep in our bed looking beautiful as always I went over to her side of the bed once I was ready and gave her a light kiss on the forehead and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she moved a bit so I whispered in her ear "go back to sleep my love" I had kk clue if she heard me but I tucked her up again and kissed her on the lips lightly craving her kisses

I jumped when I heard my mum at the door "you really love her don't you" my mum said with the biggest grin ever

"Yeah of course I do she's the perfect girl my star girl" I said as I sat on the side table and stroked her hair as me and my mum whispered to prevent her from waking up as I knew aria was tired from all the prep she had going on at for for this line which I was so proud of her for so whenever I could let her lie in I did

"I know son I am half you to have finally got together you never cared for a girl like you have aria you would never kiss the girls in the head when you wake up before them or tick hair behind there ear or look at them like you do with her it's truly a special bond you to have" my mum said staring at me and aria in awe

"Yeah I know it's just with them it felt wrong and with her it just feels so right and perfect I already know she's the one for me" I said as I looked at arias sleeping figure

"I know son trust me I think she's the one aswell now come on and have a light breakfast before you leave and let aria sleep" my mum said making me giggle I quickly placed another kiss on her forehead and rubbed her cheek as my mum ushered me out

"You two are like magnets with eachother aren't you"

"What can I say csn never be away form her" I said grinning

I soon ate the yogurt bowl my mum made me with vanilla yogurt and granola with fruit on top it was a favourite of mine I had to say and I was happy about my mum being here as aria always wanted to do this for me but I never let her as I knew she was rolled out thin enough with all the things for I ate doing to her so my mum here was a good way to make aria relax and take care of herself

Arias pov

I woke up to Jude placing a kiss on my forehead and ticking hair behind my ear and a kiss on my lips which I smiled at and I heard Jude and Denise talking and my heart melted at the conversation they had it gave reassurance that everyone love me and Jude together and we were perfect together and the way he and his mum talked about me about us was the sweetest thing ever after Denise was ushering jude out the room to let me sleep I smiled and soon drifted off again

When I woke up it was now 10.30 am and I panicked realising I had to be at Dior at 12 I jumped out of bed showered luckily my hair was already straight and I put makeup on and everything before I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to be met with mark,Denise and Jobe I was supposed to have a debrief of the party that Jobe had they came back yesterday when he went back but it had to wait in the kitchen as I was on the phone as Christian was calling me asking me to get here a hug earlier if possible

"Can you come sooner as I want to test somethings out for the show" Christian demanded making me want to scream at him as I walked in the kitchen visibly stressed and tired I love all this so much but doing this show was tiring and a lot of pressure as all I saw in the media was how it had to live up to what Kim did and it made me so anxious I literally sat in my car before I came home yesterday and just cried a hit because it was so stressful and Christian was making this all 20x worse with his weird demands I was drained the past few days were

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