Second game antics

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Jude pov

Today was game day and I had nerves in my stomach because I wanted to do well and I got like because of what I did in my debut I had to deliver not just by trying to score a goal but to also  make sure I did good defensively

I woke up this morning and aria was up and out of bed which I frowned at I got up not caring about having a top on and as I went down the stairs I heard chatter and laughter full the room it was 9 am so not too late

When I walked in my dad and Jobe were on my bar stools having a coffee and Jobe had an iced coffee he only liked arias no one else's

I then turned and saw aria at the stove cooking and my mum grabbing what I assumed another tea

I walked up to aria and hugged her from behind my arms over her waist I then kissed her neck "morning baby" I said into her ear making her smile I loved her smile "morning how are you feeling about today" she asked me turning around for a moment to place a quick sweet kiss to my lips which I tried to make longer but didn't work because my parents were around

I saw her making eggs and some bacon aswell as avocados and bagels and it made me hungry she tried to move to grab some plates but I was clung to her

"Baby you need to move so I can plate up breakfast for everyone" she said giggling

"No you can walk around with me holding you" I said into her ear with my head on her shoulder  as I knew my dad and mum were watching us with big smiles on their faces jobes I sssuned was probably disgust

I quickly turned her around with my hands spinning her waist and as she faced me I pulled her into a kiss u knew she wouldn't back away from and I was correct

Our soft lips moved together in harmony and she always made me feel an unfamiliar way to how others did but in a good way and that made me know she was the one for me just bumpy that pure feeling

I pulled away as she looked down blushing but felt embarrassed when Jobe opend his big fat gob and said "ugh  eww please get a room my god" he said rolling his eyes and I laughed when my mum slapped him on the neck same with my dad

"Jobe be quiet you will be like this one day besides they are adorable do be nice otherwise you can go back home" my mum threatened as I quickly put my middle finger up when my parents weren't looking making Jobe protest
As I replaced my hands back on arias waist

"Uhhh mum did you see what Jude did" Jobe said in disbelief

"No jobe don't blame it on Jude because you got in trouble" my mum said making me laugh as I grabbed the plates for aria and put them to the stove so she could plate up as I went back to my old position

She plated up my mums first then dad and jobes  which I took over to them then on mine I had a bagel with egg and bacon for the game

Aria did hers last with a bagel with avocado and egg and we all sat together talking and just having a good time but I soon realised it was now 10.30 and I went to get ready and pulled aria with me

I closed our door kissing her passionately this time without pulling away because nobody was here to disturb us

After honestly 5/6 minutes we broke away chests heaving up and down foreheads together as we caught our breathe

"I wanted to do that all morning I said to her

"I'm glad you did I needed that you looked good this morning very teasing" she said to me

I then had a shower with aria but nothing much as I had to leave so I did a quick one to satisfy us till after the game

It was now 1.30 we had been chilling for a bit then I had to leave I said goodbye to everyone and left to the stadium to do pre game training and preparation

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