Part 36

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Jude's pov

Ot has been a month. Is and we are in December my last few games for Madrid before Christmas the past month has been really good we had Kobe and Kaia stay with us which was amazing and honestly I prefer her to Jobe she is hilarious and we got along well as expected from previous encounters

Aria and Kaias birthdays were in the way which was exiting I couldn't wait to celebrate them both it was going to be good and I couldn't wait to spoil aria and I knew Jobe was going all out for Ki

Today was my last game at the bernabeu before we broke up for Christmas and I hope it was good because I wanted to end this year on a high note and I had been really busy organising arias gifts and buying a bunch of gifts for her

It was 8am right now i was in the bed and aria was still asleep tucked in my side she looked adorable and i felt so lucky she was mine and I couldn't wait to show her how much i love her when it's her birthday and it's the one day i can buy her whatever i want and she can't be annoyed about it of course she still gets angry about it but she can't be because of course I'm going to spoil her

I knew aria would be asleep for the next hour or so as she was shattered from last night because we went out with the boys and their girlfriends or wives and we went a bit crazy and we didn't get in till 2 am and I was fine because I didn't drink much so I was ok I decided to go downstairs whilst she was asleep and wrap more of her gifts because today the last of her gifts are arriving and I'm making sure there all wrapped so I can send them home with a friend they are going on a boat to France then the euro star home and drive to my mums house so I know the presents won't get ruined

I had been on the phone to my mum as I wrapped the presents and she kept saying how sweet I was to do this for her and it made me smile and blush I really had become soft for this girl it was bad but I loved every minute of it

I had wrapped all the gifts and my friend arrived and took everything in the bags it came with and set off on the journey home and as I closed the door I heard aria

"J are you don here" she asked in a low voice as she came into view from the stairs rubbing her eyes Curley as I opened my arms that she walked into without hesitation and hugged me tight

"You ok baby" I asked her as she put her head on my chest "yeah just tired and I just want hugs" she replied her big brown eyes looking at me briefly and I could tell today was a day she needed me to just be there and look after her I knew because it was nearly the holidays that she missed her sisters and it was difficult for her as she never talked about it much to anyone only me but she missed her sisters a lot and sometimes I knew she just wanted to be able to drive five minutes and be able to hug them but she couldn't and it broke me when she was like this

I lifted aria up and I took her to the couch and I set her down putting on fast and furious and let her choose which one as it was a comfort for her and me to be honest whilst I went and made her a hot chocolate and me a iced coffee then took it down to her as I sat with her and placed her on my lap as she snuggled into me and soaked in my comforting presence as I slowly traced shapes on her waist and kissed her forehead after a fast and furious move I played high school musical and aria was seeming a bit less anxious and home sick

After that we went to get ready sharing a shower to my request then we got changed me into my pre match outfit like the club ask us to and aria was in one of my jumpers and a pair of shorts as it was a good temperature in the house from heating we decided to make some lunch and me and aria went down and began to cook

We had our playlist on and we had rap,hip hop and pop music blasting through the small speakers in the house and we were singing and dancing in the middle of the kitchen it was nice to spend time with her like this away from the media they wouldn't see this side of us that much but in reality it was us everyday

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