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Jude's pov

It's now been over a month since aria moved in and to Madrid and it's been amazing for us and have had the best time living in the moment and soaking in all the time we had together when we were both free I was feeling amazing I was doing so good at Madrid and I scored in pretty much every game or had an assist and had my girl with me and my family flew in a while ago to come visit us as she missed me and aria and they leave  in the 31 so Jobe can go to his party for Halloween

I woke up with the sun shining through the blinds and aria on top of me her hair sprawled over my chest bit still looked perfect her button nose.slightly scrunched and her face relaxed as her hands were ere placed either side of my shoulders as I had a hand running up and down her naked body from last night we had done it pretty much every other night and I loved it she was just perfect in every way

I stroked her hair as she started waking up she put her head into the crook of my neck and her arms moved to the back of my neck

We sat together just enjoying the calmness of the morning "morning baby did you sleep well my love" knowing the answer

"Morning baby and yes I slept well I always sleep well with you" she smiled and pulled her face up and placed a kiss on my lips I pulled her head back to my neck and I felt her lashes tickling my neck

We soon got up being met with my parents and Jobe eating breakfast they made pancakes but it was chocolate protein so I could eat them too

Me and aria got pancakes from my mum after we greeted everyone and aria and my mum hugged they were always so close and I loved it my two girls that I loved with everything in me got along like a house on fire

Aria had two pancakes with Nutella on top and a banana she loved Nutella a lot so when I knew she was moving to Madrid I made sure to have a big tub ready for her same with Jobe he loved it I was a big fan but couldn't eat it as much did to a footballers diet

After we ate aria and my mum cleaned up making conversation and I went to get changed and shower as aria had before we came down

Arias pov

Me and Denise finished cleaning arranging that we would go out together today before Jude's game which I was excited at spending time with just me and Denise we did it alot before my life got so hectic

I sat in the sofa and Jobe came up to me looking nervous I was always close with Jobe considering we were very close in age and so we always shared everything with eachother much like I did with Jude growing up

"Hey jojo what's up" I said as he sat down next to me placing his head on my shoulder

"I want to ask you something" he said hesitantly as he played with my right hand and fiddled with my bracelet

"Yeah ofc what's wrong j" I said worried

"Uh I don't know how to say it it's weird" Jobe said sighing

"Hey you know you can tell me anything I will keep whatever you say private" I said playing with his hair as like Jude it calmed him down

"Uhm I have been talking to this girl who moved to my school recently and I really like her I have since she joined but I am nervous to ask her out" he quickly let out

"Aw Jobe I'm so happy for you and don't be scared let me see the messages and I will tell you if she likes you and what's her name tell me everything

"Her names kaia she's so pretty and lovely and kind and I'm happy because she gets along with my friends and her best friend has joined too and we have a big group now of mine and her friends and I always sit next to her in all my lessons I have with her and I feel like we just gravitate towards each other and she has come over a few times and I always sit next to her at break and lunch and put my arm around her and she puts her head on my chest it just feels right ugh I just don't know" he rambled and I laughed

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