Part 33

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Arias pov

I work up to Jude's arms around me and I instantly leaned back into them feeling calm I remember yesterday and it put a damper on my mood I needed to try harder and that's what I planned to do I had loads of auditions coming up and YouTube ideas which I needed to do so now was a good time

I sat planning in my head I soon heard Jude wake up "morning my love" Jude's beautiful raspy morning voice said

"Morning baby" I said smiling at him as we sat up just hugging for a while before we got ready for the day and today Jude had a shoot with adidas to announce their collaboration together called belligold and it's about his cleats he uses and they have a clip of him and someone talking over the video talking about his life and his journey and I was so beyond exited for him and this opportunity

We arrived and he got straight to work as I watched him smile for the camera doing his pose and kicking the ball around and he got me to join so what we thought was a break we spent it playing football with some of the team Jude picked me up spun me around so I got his team got the ball and then some people made their way back so we sat on the side again but when we saw the video at the end of the shoot me and the others were in it the clip of Jude laughing and spinning me around playing for a bit and it was so cool to watch being with him made me happy that's all I needed

Jude's pov

Today had been good so far seeing Aria smiling and laughing made me happy knowing I could make her smile after yesterday I wanted to see if she was ok but I didn't want to make her sad again I couldn't deal with it again

Me and aria were in the car and we were on the way to the airport to get on the jet to go to Turin Italy for an award show I had we were on the jet and we were in the air aria had a meeting with Louis Vuitton for a modelling deal which I was proud of her for and she wanted to upload a new video to YouTube I know she was doing this to try make her mum view her as a successful person which she was already

"Aria can I ask you something" I asked her whilst her head was on my shoulder as we watched something

"Yeah of course" she said as she poked her head up from my shoulder

"Are you doing this to try impress your mum" I asked her as she looked down sad

"No ari please don't be sad I take it back" I said worried

"No no it's ok I am kind of but I also want to do it for me I have had a little break from it all and I'm ready to get back to it" she said as relief filled me

"Well just know everyone is proud of you and me especially" I said kissing her head

"Well I appreciate it j" she said hating back down

We soon arrived in Turin and we got taken to the hotel near the venue and got ready I had to go to a separate room to aria to get ready and after a while I was ready sunny was here she dressed me and she then left and I had finished my hair and I went to arias room and my breathe hitched seeing her in a beautiful emerald dark green silk dress I was mesmerised I was the luckiest guy in the world

"Baby you look beautiful" I said walking towards her kissing her plump lips

"Really I didn't know if it looked nice" and said looking at herself in her mirror as I was stood behind clinged to her waist

"Baby your beautiful in everything you wear don't listen to your mums voice in the back of your head she's just horrible to you my love" I said kissing her neck

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