Part 40

50 3 1

Arias pov

It's now been a month since Christmas and we are back in Madrid and everything has been going so well apart from the fact that when I was doing shoots or long days I'm exhausted and it's never this bad I had also felt sick but this  morning I was I felt fine after and for the rest of the day

I woke up this morning it was 6am and I had the feeling again but now It was actually happening Jude followed me as I sprinted out his arms and he held back my hair after finished bridged my teeth and face and Jude said "baby do you think we should do a pregnancy test we have had sex a lot recently"

"Yeah maybe it wouldn't surprise me it's just I'm so tired but I will go out later" I said tiredly "no baby don't be silly today after training I will get you one to try" Jude said kissing my temple "are you sure j people might take pictures of you" I asked his hesitantly

"Baby it's fine Especially if your not up to it I want you to rest besides I don't care what they all have to say about my personal life" Jude said making me smile as he lifted me up into his arms and back into bed he pulled the covers over me and kissed my lips and forehead "do you want me to see if we have a ginger tea downstairs darling" Jude asked before going down the stairs "yes please babe" I smiled gratefully at him as he descend the stairs I knew he would make me relax till he got back so I grabbed the remote and put on gossip girl as it was one of my comfort shows and I cuddled into the duvet I was fighting sleep as u wanted to see Jude again before he left but it was really hard

My eyes were drooping as I heard Jude place a cup beside me and rake a hand through my hair kissing the top of my head "darling have a bit of this before you sleep it will make you feel better"he whispered making me turn over opening my eyes Jude sat next to me rubbing my back he knew I was a bit scared of the outcome of the pregnancy test so he was calming me down a lot

I also saw a price of toast with butter on it "I did a piece incase you wanted it" Jude said as he stood up and took my half drank ginger tea and said "I will go grab you a normal tea then j need to go baby" he said "j it's ok I can go get my tea you go to practice" I said back with a big of laughter "no you need to rest your shattered and I want to do something so I feel helpful" he said as he bolted downstairs

Jude came back with my tea then the went to training it was at 7.15 Jude would finish training at 11.15 or 12.15 she couldn't remember if today was 4 or 5 hours I sat and ate my toast and had a nap I woke up again around 10.30 so it was a good nap Jude messaged if I was ok to which I replied a while later "yeah I'm good I was having a nap" I got out of bed and got myself ready for the day showering and taking some effort in my appearance to feel more put together it was now 11.30 and I was going downstairs with my phone a plate and a cup from my tea and I got down and unloaded the dishwasher from when I put it on last night and loaded my bits into it

I put on some music for a bit of noise as k began to clean the surfaces as I didn't last night because I fell asleep and Jude took me upstairs once I did that I began hoovering the house and mopping I was tired now as I finished I heard the door open and saw Jude with a bag from the store "hey babe I got the test from the store I heard some lady say clear blue was the best so I got that one I bought 2" Jude said as I took a breath "what have you been doing" Jude asked "cleaning with my but if energy" I laughed "well take a break shall we go take a test" Jude said as I nodded and he took me to the bathroom

We were in the bathroom and I weed on the two sticks and I put the cap back on and turned them over so we couldn't see them and now we went to the bed and waited for those 3 minutes the longest ones of my life "what are we going to do if I am pregnant" I said getting scared as all the thoughts rushed to my head "don't worry if we are then I know we will be amazing parents and we will take it one step at a time" Jude said calmly

"how are you so calm" I asked him putting my head on his shoulder "well because I am exited about the possibility of being a dad and the thought of starting a family with you like we always wanted" Jude said making me tear up "Jude that's so sweet I am exited too just so nervous you know like my body won't be the same again" I said as he pulled me more into him and kissed my head "darling it will all be ok no matter what you are still the most beautiful and perfect girl to me and I will love you no matter what" he said making me breathe and calm myself down

"Now come on let's go see if we're having a little baby" Jude said putting his hands out for me" which I took

We walked into the bathroom and took a test each and flipped it over on 3 "1.....2.....3" we said turning them over and I began to cry seeing the 1 month mark which made me so emotional I turned to Jude who had the same reaction he had a few tears falling as he immediately put the test down and pulled me into the biggest hug ever I loved these hugs "thank you so much ari" he whispered as I felt a few tears on my shirt his the exact same "for what" I asked as he wiped the tears from my eyes "for making me a soon to be dad" he said kissing my lips making me smile "thank you for making me a soon to be mum" I said kissing him again

"What do we do now we have to tell our family and friends and at some point the media" Jude said whilst putting me on his lap "i know maybe we should wait atleast till the 6 week mark to make sure it's all okay before we release it" I said relaxing into Jude's arms "yeah I agree maybe we should tell our family in Valentine's Day or like Mother's Day" I said making Jude smile "whatever you want babe as long as we make it cute" Jude said making me laugh as we soaked in the idea of this new journey we are about to embark on and it was very exciting

After we did that Jude found a private clinic that was very private and no one was allowed in other than the clients and I was happy to go there so everything was kept between us and no outsiders or media catching on we had our first appointment on January 29th so in 6 days which was exiting then if we like it we can officially be put in the system we had to pay a certain fee to be there and I said I would pay for it or if he was that bothered we can split it but Jude refused and had already payed everything in his words "you are doing everything all the hard stuff so I contribute however I can" which was actually really sweet. Could tell he didn't know what to do so I gave him that

Jude's pov

We were in bed now and aria was finally asleep and I was thinking how I was going to be a dad soon and I was so excited but nervous like was I going to be a good dad, would my child be proud of me when they are older of what I have done all these thoughts went through my head I knew I was overthinking and that they would be it was just a scary thought

But I knew that having aria by my side we can do anything because it's us forever and this chapter was going to make us even stronger and I would be there for her no matter what

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