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Arias pov

It was 9.30 am and I had gotten up and Jude was still asleep on me the doctor must have come in and taken away the iv drop and replaced it Jude looked so peaceful asleep on my stomach I saw Jude's foot proper up on a pillow wrapped up quite alot with bandages I hoped he can go home today because I know him bring here makes him sad and all the more real I began gliding my nails behind his neck and he began to wake up cuddling me tighter "morning baby how are you feeling" I whispered as he put his head back down on my tummy "I'm okay just really tired and my ankle hurts like hell" he said in his sexy morning voice "oh baby I'm so sorry I wish I could take it away" I said kissing his head "baby I will be fine I promise all I need is you with me right now" he said kissing my lips

"Sorry baby I just hate having to see you like this and in pain" I said my eyes a big glossy Jude put his large hands on either side of my cheeks and said "baby look at me I'm fine as long as I have you by my side I will be fine like you said it's only 3 or 4 weeks and it's not as bad as I thought initially" he said and his plump soft lips kissed mine making me smile "your right your the strongest person I know" I said as he looked at me fondly "god I love you so much" he whispered making me giggle

We sat together watching some of Jude's favourite movies when he asked what the time was "it's 10 already" I said as he reluctantly got up "we should probably get ready and stuff now then continue this otherwise we will never get up" he said making me laugh because that would definitely end up happening

Jude told me to go first as he would have to take longer so I left him on his phone as I showered and brushed my teeth I put on some comfy clothes and brushed my hair and did some moisturiser then walked out and began to help Jude he said he would rather me help him that doctors as he wasn't overly keen on having to get his dick out infront of a male or female physio whereas I have already seen it all

All I needed to do was help Jude to the bathroom and he brushed his teeth them put a plastic bag type thing on Jude's foot and he sat on the seat and occasionally got up and showered before I helped him out and he got changed and he did a bit of skin care then we went back to his bed as a physio came in with new bandages and alcohol to make sure the stitches stay clean

Jude's pov

As the physio came in he took off the bandage and the stitches were quite long like longer than I thought it looked really bad but I reminded myself it was okay and it wasn't that bad he got the alcohol and started dabbing into my wound and I hissed slightly at the sharp pain I felt I had grabbed onto arias hand that she squeezed tightly I didn't care if I seemed like child it was not enjoyable he soon finished although It felt like ages and he cleaned up my foot and began to bandage it all again he used so much I could do anything and I wouldn't feel it because of how many bandages are wrapped around my foot

He soon left and I just cuddled back up to aria as we enjoyed our morning at 12.30 my family came back to the sports clinic and they brang food and I was starving it was nice to have my family here with me aria said the boys visited yesterday but I was still a bit out of it

My family went to the cafeteria to go get something sweet or a drink when a doctor came in and what he said filled me with some hope "okay so we have decided that Jude has to stay one more night because we want to be sure it will be okay then after a week he will come in for physio therapy and get stitches out and tonight unfortunately no one can stay the night everyone has to go home just so you have proper rest" he said making me a bit angry and confused about what he was waffling on about

"What are you talking about my girlfriend has nothing to do with how I have slept if anything this is the longest I have slept for in ages" I said giving him a look "babe it's fine maybe you should have a night by yourself to relax" she said

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