Nightclub disaster

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Arias pov

I woke up the morning after Jude's game and our special night I felt even more connected to him than ever before

I looked up at Jude and saw him peacefully sleeping and I had Jude's hand over my waist on my stomach we didn't put on any clothes on after the shower other than underwear and for me a sports bra

I knew the time was 10 am now he usually slept in until around this time after games the day before as he always gets worn out which was understandable I kissed under his jaw and rubbed shaped on his chest I slowly sat up and moved off of Jude so we could switch positions

"Mhm baby what are you doing" Jude said upset

"It's okay baby you can go back to sleep I just wanted you to be more comfortable by my switching" I said kissing his cheek

He sat up like a child with a tired face I giggled at him once I was say up he instantly flopped down again on my chest placing his hand over my waist again stuffing his face into my chest

I placed a hand behind in his neck tracing shapes as I knew he loved it mixed with putting my hands through his hair stroking his hair

Once Jude had properly nodded off again I grabbed my phone as I talked to the girls again I then had a call from Anna,saff and Imogen

"Hey guys" I whispered

"Hey babe" Anna said

"Hey girlie how are you" imi said

"Hey baby" saffy said

"Hey imi I'm good how are you guys" I did smiling at talking to my best friends again

"We're good babe the question is how are you and love boy" saffy said

I blushed and giggled a bit "we're okay he's sleeping as we had the game yesterday and didn't get in until late and it took us a while to get to sleep last night" I said

"Aww look at you babes and yeah we watched it last night with Byron and molly M also in a few days saff and imi are coming down here how long until your back" Anna said to me

" I know he did so good last night I'm really proud of him and the kids were over the moon at Jude's celebration for them" I said looking down at Jude smiling at him whilst rubbing his neck again

"Aw girlie I feel so happy to see you happy in a relationship and living your best life" imi said to me

"Aw thank you imi l love you guys and I'm glad everything has worked out to this point I have never been happier" I said as I leaned down kissing Jude's temple

"You guys are couple goals I need to see you two again in the flesh" Anna said to me

"Yeah we will I have to leave to get the rest if my stuff to move here in a few days so we can see eachother then I'm going to try do it so I don't miss Jude's games" I said to them

"Yeah deffo I miss my bestie also my mum and atticus are coming down so they will want to see you knowing them" Anna said to me making me smile

We talked on the phone for a bit making sure to be quiet then Jude stirred around and put his head up as I saw his sleepy face which made me smile "hi baby" he said in a morning voice

"Hi love" I said back rubbing his hair as he snuck into the camara to kiss me on the lips as the girls screamed

"Aww the love birds are at it" saff said

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