animatic and clock snuggle together in a field!! (Requested by Kuttauwu)

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It was a nice day out, and 2 little hosts were sitting in field together..

Clock was trying to contain their excitement, so was animatic. They both loved being around eachother, they brought a sense of comfort to eachother. Clock was just watching the sun set, and the rays of sunshine glimmering on the water. They had finally gotten a break, hosting their show was hard.
Animatic was getting sleepy, but they wanted to keep their eyes open. They wanted to live in the moment with the one they loved. They just sat there, in comfortable silence.
"its so pretty..." Clock said, looking at the water. Animatic turned their head, tilting in slightly since they were confused at the comment.
"What is?" Animatic said, their voice sounded so soft. If their contestants saw them, they would be surprised by how different animatic sounds when they are like this.
"The sunset, well, and you." Clock said, slightly hiding their face with their hand to hide their extremely red (or cyan idk what color their blush would be lolz) face. Animatic looked at clock with a surprised, and flustered look. They could feel their stomach doing barrel rolls at the compliment.
"Y-you really think so?" Animatic said, clock looked at them and giggled, while saying "yeah" at the same time. Animatic could feel themselves drifiting off, they had been trying their best to stay awake. But now, after having that warm feeling in their heart. They fell asleep on clock.
Clock felt something heavy go onto their shoulder, wait, was that Animatic? They blushed, but it was also surprising seeing Animatic sleep. They were always so hyper and silly, but now their just cute and tired. Clock smiled, and just continued staring at the sunset. They loved feeling the warm of Animatic on them, it made them feel so happy.
But Clock was starting to feel tired, they slowly started leaning over on Animatic, they were trying their best to stay awake but finally, they fell asleep on top of Animatic. They sat there basking in the little sunlight that was left, quietly resting.

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