first kizz!! (requested by Guyfdgft2346)

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Animatic was super, super bored. There was nothing to do.. all they did was just sit and look at the sky, their contestants just walking by them after what had happened in the last challenge. (They were way to scared to talk to them) The crazy host was just sitting their letting thoughts pop in and out of their mind, until one catches their attention. They had started thinking of Clock, oh Clock, how Animatic loved them. Animatic had zero clue on how to tell them their feelings, since everytime they thought about them they would get all flustered and would get severe butterflies inside their stomach. Their face went blue and red, blushing. Animatic felt as if they were going to explode... Then they got the perfect idea...

They were going to confess to Clock today!
Or... atleast try..

Meanwhile Clock was thinking something similar to Animatic, they really really, wanted to confess to Animatic today. It was like a boost of energy. They had that fluttery feeling in their stomach, and they were blushing. "AAAAGH WHAT AM I GONNA DO!?" clock yelled, WWFT had heard them (Words with friends tile) and started walking towards the host. "Yo brah, you alright??" The tile asked Clock. Clock immediately looked to their side to see WWFT, but they still were trying to hide their blush. They were not letting their contestant know what was on their mind. "Uhhh yeah!!" They said, in the least believable way possible. WWFT (somehow) gave a unconvinced look to the host. "I don't believe you one bit, your a horrible liar dude" WWFT said. Clock sighed in embarrassment. "Okay... errrr, welll....... im kinda trying to figure out how to confess to someone I know.." Clock said. WWFT froze, 'who the hell do they like?' He thought. "Woah.." WWFT said. Clock just huffed, and rested their hands on their face feeling how hot it was. "Well... uhhhhhh why don't you meet them somewhere." WWFT said, he really, really hated awkward conversations. "Thats.. actually a good idea! Thanks WWFT!" Clock said as their face lit up at the idea. "Yeah sureeeeeeeee..... anytime dude!" WWFT sprinted away, which confused Clock for a moment, but they shrugged it off.

(okay guys idk if thisf is weird or nkt but i feel like clock would go through polka dots portals to find animatics universe)

Clock landed face flat onto the ground of Animatics Universe. "ow..." The clock mumbled before getting up, they started walking around. Looking for Animatic.

While Clock looked for Animatic, Animatic was planning on how to confess to Clock, they had wanted to do it today for sure! But... they were still confused on how to go with it.. until something interrupted their train of thought. "Hey Animatic!!! C:" Clock was waving to Animatic from a few feet away. The circular host got up and walked over to Clock. "hiya there!! What ya doing here Clock?" Clock said nervously in response: "o-oh! I was just gonna ask if you had wanted to hang out with me in my universe!! :3" Animatic blushed again as they were earlier and tried their best to not stutter. "O-oh sure!" Clock grabbed Animatics hand, and started leading them to the portal back to their universe. They seemed so calm on the outside, while on the inside. Clock was internally screaming, and extremely nervous. They went through the portal, and landed softly in Clocks universe.

Clock looked around quickly to make sure none of their contestants were nearby. They did not want to be asked why their were holding Animatics hand. "SO uhh..." Clock said, still nervous and actually starting to sweat. "W-where do you err want to head too?" Animatic looked around, they weren't usually over here since they always traveled to different places. (gays i just realized they went through polka dots portal she prollyf saw them holding hands LOLL) "hmmm... How about, Over there?" Animatic pointed to some bushes and trees that made a perfect hangout spot. "Sure!" Clock said, and they walked over and sat there. Clock realized they never let go of Animatics hand, and their face went bright with blush. This was already, super, super, awkward. (For them atleast.) They quickly let go which caught Animatics attention. "OH- SORRY-" Clock said with a nervous smile. "No-no! It's fine. I actually uh.. liked holding your hand.." Animatic said while blushing intensely, and turning their head the other direction.

Animatic was trying to to kick their legs and scream, they really liked this, but at the same time they felt really nervous.
Clock slowly inched their hand ontop of Animatics, and held it. 'OHMYGODOHMYGOD IS THIS REAL??' Clock thought, they were surprised they mustered up the courage to hold Animatics hand again. They sat there in silence. Very, very, awkward silence. Minutes passed by, while Animatic and Clock had thoughts racing through their minds right now. Who was gonna confess first? "H-hey Clock...?" Animatic said, with a wobbly smile. "Yeah?" Clock looked at Animatic, both of their faces were covered with blush. "Uhm.. I wanted to tell you something." Clocks face lit up, 'HOLY CRAP IS THIS RLLY HAPPENING!?' they thought. "S-sure! You can tell me anything!" Animatic paused, and gulped. They really hoped this wouldn't backfire. "I just. CLOCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND IVE BEEN MEANING TO TELL YOU FOR A LONG TIME- I LOVE YOUR VOICE, YOUR COLOR, JUST YOUR... EVERYTHING AND I JUST WANNA KISS YOU YOU JUSTF MAKE FEEL SOHAPPY AND I-" Animatic was holding the bottom of Clocks face. And they were really close. So, Clock decided to do it. Clock kissed Animatic, they were really trying to to scream and jump up and down. In fact they both were trying not to. The kiss lasted atleast 30 seconds. Until Clock let go. "I love you too." Clock said, Animatic started giggling and hugged Clock. They sat there, smiling and just enjoying eachothers presence. (OMGOMG I LOVED WRITING THIS ILYYYYY GUYSSSSSSSSSSS TY TO THE REQUESTER OR I WOULD HAVE NOT HAD ENOUGN COURAGE TO WRITE THIS!!)

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