doggy :3 (Requested by ValentinaplayZ4)

144 2 9

(gonna say this now but this is gonna be a really short one lol)

  Animatic was walking.... or well sprinting around. until she started hearing... some sort of animal? 'Weird. Usually animals don't show up around here.' Animatic thought, he went over to investigate the sound... and it was a dog? Animatic picked it up, inspecting it. "what a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!" Animatic said, looking and the dogs fur, it was golden... what dog breed was that again... Oh! A golden retriever! Animatic quickly sprinted over too the portal that goes between his and clocks universe. And jumped in, "oof!" Animatic said hitting the ground hard, but keeping the dog up in the air so it didn't get hurt. Clock soon noticed Animatic was nearby, hearing the sound they made when they fell. "Hey Animatic!!!!" Clock said waving their hand fast in Animatics direction. Animatic went over to Clock, holding the dog in her face. "Look what I found!!!!!!!!!" Animatic said, and Clock took the dog in his arms. "Woah! It's so fluffy.." Clock said, sitting down with the dog. Petting it, the dog was surprisingly very tired. It walked into Clock's lap, falling asleep "awww...." Clock said continuing to pet the dog, Animatic sat down next to Clock. Pulling her wings out, which surrounded the two.

The two lovers sat there and played with the puppy, filled with joy :33


i'm so bored with life sjsksksm)

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