a silly day >_< (not requested!)

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It was a nice day out, and 2 hosts were sitting at a bench in a park.

Clock and Animatic had been crushing on eachother for awhile... but no one has confessed yet, it's just a waiting game for them. The clock looks at Animatic, a slight cyan shade of blush on its face.

Clock was literally fan girling over animatic.. they loved how silly they acted all the time, but also how they could be calm and content with people they liked. Sitting their with them just felt... special. The sunset was gorgeous, and they have just been staring at it for the past hour. "Hey Animatic?" Clock said. gleefully. Animatic turned to face them with a smile still on their face. "Yeah? :D" Clock had took a second too awnser, they couldn't really think straight with all these butterflies fluttering inside their stomach. "Clock?" Animatic said, touching the bottom of Clocks face slightly trying to get its attention. Instantly Clocked flinched and their face got brighter, "O-OH- sorry, i zoned out. I was going to ask if you wanted to walk out in the fields over there?" Clock said while pointing to the fields in the distance. "Sure!" Animatic says, happily. They stroll to the field, grinning. (tbh how yall haven't figured out you both like eachother yet?? lolzzz) as they stroll. Animatic stares at clock, while they walk. They loved everything about them, any moment spent with them was like a dream to Animatic. They finally arrive at the field and sit down, still smiling. "Dang, it's pretty out." Clock says, Animatic nods in agreement. They sit their talking for awhile, enjoying their time they had together away from their shows. Suddenly, Animatic feels a soft hand ontop of theirs and they look at their hand to see what it is. Clock had accidentally intertwined their finger with Animatics. Animatic started getting really flustered, like really, really, flustered. The butterflies in their stomach were intense, they sat their using their free hand to fidget. Clock looked to their hand and saw what they did, a deep shade of cyan blush goes over their face. They look over at Animatic, who's face is completely blue and red. (I feel like animatics blushf would be blue and red ^_^) Clock looks back and the sunset and puts their head on Animatics shoulder. Animatic and Clock both smirk, enjoying this moment. (gays omg listen to LESBIAN PONIES WITH WEAPONS i swear it's so fuckingg goodfdddddd)

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