when u bake a cake!? 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❗️❗️❗️(requested by ERNAGUEST)

226 3 9

"ANIMATIC!! OVER HERE!!" Clock said in excitement as they stood infront of an oven that they had put in the field. (don't ask how it works without power 🤑) Animatic rushed over and scooped up Clock, hugging them tightly. Clock as well as Animatic were blushing, Super happy to see eachother. "What flavor do you wanna make?" Clock asked Animatic, they didn't tell Animatic they were making a cake yet though. "Flavor of what?" Animatic said in confusion. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, we are making a cake !! :D" Clock said while putting their arms up in the air. Excited to bake! "Oooohhh Then I think we should make blue raspberry!! I love that flavor :3" Animatic said. Clock nodded and starting getting the ingredients for it, (they just got them out of thin air 😍)  Animatic watched patiently as their partner looked at a piece of paper for the recipe. Making sure they had everything, Animatic watched in awe as Clock pressed the buttons to set the heat of the oven. "Alright, let's get started!!" Clock said, handing Animatic a spatula to mix with.

As Clock poured the flour into the big mixing bowl, they couldn't help but gaze at Animatic. They always looked gorgeous every say and Clock loved to see their beauty, Clock blushing, finished pouring the flour. Looking back at the recipe to tell Animatic what to add next. "Can you put the sugar in? I gotta find the food coloring." Clock said, a little annoyed. Animatic quickly put the sugar in. Watching the small grains spill ontop of the flour. As Clock got rest the of ingredients, and they put the cake in the oven. They sat down on the ground, a few feet away from the oven so that they could watch it bake. (and also stay warm "3) they hugged eachother as the cake slowly rose, ding! It was done :3 Clock pulled the cake out of the oven. Placing it one the ground and cutting it into slices, "wanna try some?" Clock said. Animatic nodded, taking a bite of it. "OMG!! THIS I SO GOOD :0:0" clock smiled and giggled. Trying some of it too, agreeing. "I'm gonna give this to my contestants for being so awesome!! :D" Clock said eagerly. Animatic grabbed the pan which caught Clock off guard. And stretched their arm to where the contestants of Clock's show usually were, "awwh! Thank you!!" Clock said, giving Animatic a kiss on the cheek which make them all flustered.
They sat there, enjoying eachothers presence.


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