they go to a dance !! :3 (not requested! inspired off of onefunkers postz!)

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ermm this is gonna be humanized so errr yeah :3

One of Animatics contestants had planned a dance... who was it again?.. Animatic thought, trying to jog its memory for the contestants name. Oh bouquet! Animatic had been having trouble all day trying to remember stuff, number one was because they were tired. But number two was because they couldn't stop thinking about Clock. They had agreed to go with eachother a few days prior, but Animatic still didn't feel ready for it somehow. She was having severe butterflies ever since the agreement! Maybe it was because he thought of how pretty.. He quickly stopped that thought, feeling his butterflies getting incredibly more worse with just imagining how clock would look..

Clock was ecstatic! They knew it was gonna be fun! Plus, they got to hang out with Animatic. They wondered what he would wear?.. They usually just had their bowtie on and that was pretty much it.. Maybe a dress? ...Clock's face went red as they thought of them in a dress. They would look so gorgeous!

The time came near for the dance to start. Animatic was still freaking out but she was able to get a dress on, the dress was colored just like her. Red and blue outlines, and it had red and blue sparkles!  Though the rest of the dress was white. Clock had decided to wear a old suit they had found in the back of their closet, it was a dark grey color. With a light blue bow tie, filled with excitement and butterflies. The two hosts headed too the dance, it was outside. With fairy lights and stuff, Animatic looked around trying to find Clock. When he felt a tap on his shoulder..

"HEY ANIMATIC !!!!!!!" Clock said while hugging Animatic tight. "CLOCK!!!!!!" Animatic said in glee. They ended the hug to get a look at what each person wore, both of their faces turned red..

'holy shit.' They both thought, Animatic looked way prettier than Clock imagined. Animatic just stared at Clock, a little dizzy from the intense butterflies they had gotten. She put her hand on her head. "god you looked gorgeous-" Animatic blurted out without thinking. Clock gave Animatic a wobbly smile, trying to keep their composure. But then they started giggling, and walking to where everyone was.

It felt like a long time before they started playing slow music to dance to, Popcorn had been chosen to play the music. of course it was a tad bit cheesy, but neither of the pair minded. Clock awkwardly grabbed Animatics waist, feeling a sense of intesne butterflies rush through them again. Animatic just watched as he let Clock dance with them.. unfortunately Animatic couldn't really dance, so yeah-

As the song went on they continued dancing for quite awhile, going through atleast 5 songs. Until they both got equally tired, mainly because of the amount of butterflies they had got today. As soon as Clock set Animatic down he started giggling. "What?" Clock said, starting to giggle as well "your pretty :3" Clock's face went red. "You look.. amazing.." Clock said as they paused their giggling, and starting to look shyly to the floor.

The night went on, and more and more of Animatics contestants started to leave. Clock and Animatic left holding hands, and walking to their favorite spot to sit and chat. The pair continued to chat for the rest of the night, until they eventually fell asleep cuddling.


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