picnic date!! (requested by Clockitft)

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It was a sunny day, and it was cool out. Clock had planned a date for the two hosts. It was a picnic in Animatics world!! :3 Luckily,  Clock was already there because they had a sleepover with Animatic the night before- so all they needed to do was get ready! As Clock got ready they couldn't contain their excitement to see Animatic. Just spending a minute with them was like a miracle to them, Clock went out to go look for Animatic.<br />
Animatic was sitting at the place they were gonna meet up at. Picking at a flower on the ground, they were getting butterflies because just the thought of Clock made Animatic happy. Then, Animatic could hear someone approaching them. It was Clock!! :D "HEY AGAIN CLOCK!! :3" Animatic said while waving to the other host. clock waved back and walked over, placing the picnic basket down. Clock had made them both PB&amp;J'S, and they brang ice tea aswell :3 (thisf is my comfort meal when im sad dont ask why) Clock had remembered to cut off the crust for Animatic. (sorry for interrupting again but i feel like animatic would HATE. crusts on pb and j) "AWWWWEEEE! TY CLOCK!!" Animatic said while hugging Clock, Clock gave them a smile. "Your welcome Animatic :3!!"

The two hosts began eating their sandwiches while watching the sunset infront of them, "your so cute!!" Clock said to Animatic. Animatic got severely flustered over the compliment, they could feel the butterflies in their stomach get more intense. 'O-oh thank you!!" Animatic said, and Clock giggled in response. The two hosts sat there chatting and holding hands, talking about their shows. And how much they loved eachother. (gays... im gonna make them honk mimimimi this time.. *giggles* ) Clock yawned, putting their head on Animatic's shoulder(? Helpf idk) Animatic immediately felt the weight go on their shoulder "you tired?" Animatic said calmly. "yeah.." Clock said while groaning, Animatic put their hand around Clocks back and rubbed it as Clock drifted off. Just before Clock fell asleep Animatic gave them a peck on their cheek, and whispered: "goodnight :D!! I love you!" Animatic feel asleep right on Clock. Softly snoring, then.. One of Animatics contestants passed by. But stopped, it was canes cup. Right before they walked off, they said : "gay gay homesexual gay!!!" And ran off to go tell the others..


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