clock asks their contestants for help!! (requested by: Framerate #1 fan)

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Clock was just standing, with their hands covering their face. Their face was full of blush, why? They were struggling to figure out how to confess to Animatic, they couldn't even think of the right words to say.. But then they had gotten a idea! They were going to ask their contestants. Clock walked over to the small crowd of their contestants who were just talking, they gulped.. This was gonna be akward.. "Hey uhhh.. do you guys got any advice for er.......... confessing?" The whole batch of contestants looked at them. (fyi i'm not using the contestants that were submitted i don't remember their names, also not using the eliminated one either :] ITS GONNA BE HARD NOT WRITING WHEEL THEIR SO GOOFY) "huh?" the sun said. Clock realized the sun wouldn't be any help so they just let them go goof around while they talked to the others. "brah.. i ain't never been a relationship before.." wwft said. (Words with friends tile!!) "I mean.. we could try!" No way said, enthusiastically. The group sat there and thought while Clock nervously fiddled with their hands, they were drenched in sweat. "Hmmmm.. maybe you could.. Take them somewhere you always hang out?" Vase said, but then quickly spoke again to say: "wait who are you trying to confess to Clock?.. Clock's face went full of blush, as their contestants glared at them. "... animatic.." Clock said in a very quiet tone. "ANIMATIC??" The contestants said. "THE CRACKHEAD?" Polka dot said. Clock sighed out of embarrassment.. (poor clock I hate when I get embarrassed) "Yes..." Clock's blush was very visible now. "Welll... maybe like.. you could help them relax! I know their really hyper, but maybe if you can get them to settle down it could be easier for you." No way said. Clock got butterflies just thinking about Animatic, they nodded. "Yeah.. that- could work!" Clock said.<br />
After hours of having Clock's contestants help give them ideas, they went to sit by themselves and think. But also try to calm down because all they could think about was Animatic and their butterflies and blush were getting severe. "GAAAAH!!" clock said while covering their face "how am i gonna do this.." Clock thought, wait! They could just.. wait.. right?.. so,  Clock did so..(u little scared cat... alsof this is like trying to line up with the first kizz story but im so lazy so it may not match)


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