Animatic and Clock go stargazing!! "_" (Requested by Framerate #1 Fan)

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Animatic had been planning this for weeks... It was finally happening! Clock and Animatic were finally going on a date! They both had been really busy with their shows, so they weren't able to have a actual "date". But they had finally gotten a break because they had been able to leave their contestants with something interesting enough to keep them entertained for a whole day. Animatic couldn't fully contain their excitement to see Clock, they had a wide grin on their face. And they were slightly giggling as they walked over too the portal to Clock's channel/universe

Clock was also, really, really, excited. the two hosts really loved eachother. As they sat there, sitting in the same spot where they had their first kiss, they fidgeted with their hands. And they had the same big, wide, smile on their face like Animatic does. The Clock started hearing faint footsteps and they jumped up from where they sat. Clock already knew who it was. "ANIMATIC!!! HIII!!!!"  Clock said with their tail wagging. Animatic waved back right before they pounced onto Clock and hugged them, "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Animatic said, as they got up off of Clock and put their arms up in the air. Waving them fast, the two sat down. And held hands, smiling. "i love the stars.. they always intrigue me!" Clock says to Animatic. Animatic replies, "ya!! :]" Animatic did... Not know a lot about stars. But they agreed with Clock, the stars are so mesmerizing..

(guys i swear i won't make any of them do the honk jimimimi honk mimimi this time.. )


They sat there, holding hands. Enjoying this moment, then Animatic looked at Clock and held the bottom of their face. "YOUR EYEZ LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THE STARS REFLECT OFF THEM!! :3" Clock got flustered, Animatic then leaned closer to inspect their eyes some more. They may be all black, but their still pretty to Animatic. At this point Clocks face was full of blush, and their tail was wagging. "MWMSMSMSKAKAAMMZXMFF" Clock said while covering their face. Animatic giggled, and had a goofy, but also somewhat flustered look.

It started getting late. And Animatic didn't really feel like going back. But they had too, "Hey Clock?" Animatic says. Sounding a bit down, "yeah?" Clock said. "I gotta go.. I dont want to leave for too long, my contestants might be freaking out or- like.. I dont know.." Clock frowned, but understood. Then, Animatic grabbed Clock. "MWA!! :DD" Animatic said after kissing Clock. "BYEEEEE!!" Animatic said as they ran off. Clock just sat there flustered.

(hi gays ily!! thx for 300+ hits!! ^_^)

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